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Everything posted by dapettit

  1. I have used Bart PE to boot the system to a virtual operating system (XP) and have run several Spyware/adware removal programs, so it could be spyware that is causing a conflict somewhere. I would almost bet however it is a virus of some sort but I will default to jsr who works for Microsoft. . .
  2. Are you running Windows Defender. This is a free spyware software available from Microsoft. I have several spyware/adware programs I can ge t to you if needed. Is the system booting at all or is it rebooting over and over? You can also run a repair to Windows. PM me. . .
  3. 1.) I've been married (to the same wonderful woman) for 27 years! 2.) I have 2 precious granddaughters. 3.) I'm an Air Force brat (so is my wife), so I have lived in more places I can count. 4.) I play the guitar. 5.) I'm a computer geek (IT professional).
  4. dapettit

    Return Pump

    I use mag drives because an 18 came with the 150. I also have a mag 3 for pumping DI/RO water out of 55 gallon drum to the aquariums and I picked up a 5 and 7 from AAI during their GOB sale.
  5. Well, after several days of running the Koralia's all but one seems to have quieted down. I have not cleaned them yet. I guess there is a break in period. (I was looking for instant gratification.) When I clean them and the odd ball is still making noise I will probably return it.
  6. To help make this information useful it would be nice to post the results as a sticky making the info more accessible. What has been tested so far? What is being used as a baseline? And what are we testing for? Also I agree the test should be conducted from the same water source if we are shooting for continuity. Just a thought. . . Dave-
  7. now I'm a real geek with my TDS meter in my pocket protector.
  8. Funny, using the free TDS meter my RO/DI filter water reads 8 and my waste waters reads 209. I checked against my in-line TDS meter which reads 0 on filtered water and 109 on waste water.
  9. Thanks for the input. I will take them out and clean them once the salt is mixed. I guess I'll put them back in afte the sand storm. . .
  10. will hurt to leave them in until the salt is mixed?
  11. Did you buy it new or from someone? You should be able get from the PFO website.
  12. Last night we filled the tank with water and added the salt. I used 4 Koralia 4 to mix the salt. When I fired them up they made an awful racket. Kinda like a vibrating sound with has a low hum and every now in then will get loud. Did I screw them up by using them to mix the salt or is this normal? I bought them #1 for the amount of water movement they will provide in the 150 and also because they are supposed to be quite!!! Dave-
  13. Again it depends on tank size and occupants. Start with the recommend dosage and test, test, test. . . the adjust accordingly. I dose 3mil of A and 5 mil of B every three days in our 29. Of course I only have a couple of birdnests.
  14. May have done this I can't find it. . . a link to the chat on the home page?
  15. Shhhhhhhhhhh don't tell him or we'll all lose!
  16. Isn't Free GREAT! Got mine. . .
  17. I know this is another opended end question but you folks have been very helpful getting our reef system up. . . I was wondering what is being use to dose 2 part solutions like B-Ionic. I am growing tried of dosing my 29 and I feel it would be worst with the 150. I have been looking at IV pumps and such. I would like to stay under $150 and I don't want to deal with gravity feed products. I have been looking at these to products as well COMPACT 199235 AQUARIUM DOSING PUMP W/NEW TUBING Reef Dosing Pump What do you suggest? TIA, Dave and Robin-
  18. Thanks James, The idea is use the 10k for a year to encourage growth then switch to 14 or 20k because Robin likes the look. . .
  19. The canopy for the 150 will be delivered today. I will have 2x250 MH 10K lights inside 2 "lumenbright" reflectors. The bulbs will be 8-10" above the water with a tank depth of 22" after subtracting the 2" sandbed. I will be moving stock from my 29 which has 1x150 MH 14K which is 5" above the water with a tank dept of 17" after subtracting the 1" sandbed. My question is do I need to acclimate the new corals to the 250s? I have green birdnest, purple birdnest, red digitati, couple of rics, a blasto, some polys, zoos and assorted LPS. TYA, Dave-
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