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Everything posted by JamesL

  1. Also check out our Water Chemistry 101 section under Resourses.
  2. Or to turn off the caps key. I did some minor editing to not make my eyes bleed
  3. One possibility would be switching the brands of salt used. There are numerous studies on the web breaking down the ca/mg content of all the popular salt mixes. I think Red See Pro has one of the higher counts.
  4. You have to have your phone connected. Select it from the left panel. Then select the Apps tab at the top. Then at the bottom of the list of apps is the "Automatically sync new apps" check box. I circled all of the spot you need to click.
  5. I believe there is an check box option under the apps tab (when you plug the iPhone in) to automatically sync new apps to the device. If you uncheck this for your phone this should help fix things. I had the same issue, as we have two iPhones that we sync to my computer.
  6. My stunner led's are making me sad .. second transformer is dying.

    1. mcallahan


      PM me your phone # James. I can take care of it for you

    2. JamesL


      Will do, I also e-mailed them last night.

  7. Doing the dance of joy... caught the evil maroon clownfish. 1 evil fish down, 2 to go (though I think will have to wait for nature to take it's course for them).

    1. mcallahan


      did you get rid of the damsels already?

    2. JamesL


      nope, those are the two that nature is going to have to deal with ... I will never be able to catch them.

  8. the type i have are invasive and are overgrowing my chalices that i like much more. Maybe frag them, and then sell/trade them away?
  9. This seems counter productive to actually keeping a living coral. I am sure something like kalk-paste would retard growth for a while, but once the edge healed, the zoas would start growing again (if the whole colony did not die initially).
  10. +1000 this is an excellent prize I have my 2011 calendar hanging up behind me.
  11. JamesL

    joyce's Blog

    You might get a better response if you post this in the For Sale section.
  12. JamesL

    Tanks for Sale

    You should make a separate post for the livestock in the livestock forum. Will probably get more views there.
  13. Closed per August's request. Please direct questions about this group order to the new thread.
  14. Secret handshake Just like other symbiotic relationships, embedded in the genes I guess.
  15. The people have been heard... the picture contest is back!

    1. mcallahan


      I think I have a new glamour shot with my new F-ing haircut!

    2. JamesL


      Unless your head is underwater, then it won't count.

    3. Whit



  16. You asked for it, so we are starting it back up again... the monthly photo contest. I will take a stab at running it, but with that said I do not have any glorious prizes to give away other than the prestige of being a winner So for this first month, in honor of the New Years Ball, the category is: Round The rules are simple: Images must be taken by you. Images must be reef related (i.e. from an aquarium or ocean). Submit your photos to the contest gallery here. Submissions close at midnight January 15th.
  17. I will take a stab at running it. I will get a thread up momentarily and talk to Andrew about the behind-the-scenes stuff.
  18. Hmm.. pulling the rock/scrubbing seems a bit extreme to me. When I did something like that in my 24g to help combat hair algae, I had a major cycle happen and lost most of my fish. But this is a good thread to remind people about cleaning things that normally don't. I need to do some good cleaning on skimmers and refugium on my tank.
  19. How long has the tank been set up? Diatoms and cyno are typical during the first few months of a tank. What is your lighting settings, feeding schedule, livestock?
  20. You might be able to rent them out to people with xenia problems
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