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Everything posted by JamesL

  1. Closed per August's request. Please direct questions about this group order to the new thread.
  2. Secret handshake Just like other symbiotic relationships, embedded in the genes I guess.
  3. The people have been heard... the picture contest is back!

    1. mcallahan


      I think I have a new glamour shot with my new F-ing haircut!

    2. JamesL


      Unless your head is underwater, then it won't count.

    3. Whit



  4. You asked for it, so we are starting it back up again... the monthly photo contest. I will take a stab at running it, but with that said I do not have any glorious prizes to give away other than the prestige of being a winner So for this first month, in honor of the New Years Ball, the category is: Round The rules are simple: Images must be taken by you. Images must be reef related (i.e. from an aquarium or ocean). Submit your photos to the contest gallery here. Submissions close at midnight January 15th.
  5. I will take a stab at running it. I will get a thread up momentarily and talk to Andrew about the behind-the-scenes stuff.
  6. Hmm.. pulling the rock/scrubbing seems a bit extreme to me. When I did something like that in my 24g to help combat hair algae, I had a major cycle happen and lost most of my fish. But this is a good thread to remind people about cleaning things that normally don't. I need to do some good cleaning on skimmers and refugium on my tank.
  7. How long has the tank been set up? Diatoms and cyno are typical during the first few months of a tank. What is your lighting settings, feeding schedule, livestock?
  8. You might be able to rent them out to people with xenia problems
  9. Great time line, and the resulting tank is looking really nice!
  10. Hour left till this first work Monday is done with.

  11. They might have only been eating the dead/dieing polyp because it was dead or dieing. They are scavengers after all. I would be more worried if you saw them attacking a healthy polyp when it did not have any food in it's mouth.
  12. I would be leary of triggers in a reef tank as most triggers like to move rocks around. So it might try moving corals or causing a rock slide if things are not stable.
  13. Yikes, just tomorrow left then back to work :(

  14. I have no experience with elegance corals, but I do with clowns. And I think it comes down to the type of clown. I have a maroon and a pink skunk in my 75g. The skunk does not try to host in anything. The maroon on the other hand, has tried to host in almost every single coral in the tank when it did not have an anemone. It has hosted frogspawn, duncans, zoas, candy canes, you name it. It bothered the duncans so much that they closed up for a month. Since the clown now has an anemone, the duncans have reopened, and are eating like pigs, but their tentacles are really short now.
  15. Hope everybody has a great New Years eve and here to a great 2011!

    1. Laura


      Same to you and your family James!!

  16. Yes, would love to see how that corkscrew gorgonian is doing.
  17. Mark will be proud of me. The colored stick he gave me is still alive :)

    1. mcallahan


      hopefully now it is growing!

    2. JamesL


      I think it has. I didn't take any initial pics so hard to judge.

  18. Led actinics: 10:30a - 10:30p MH: 12p - 9p
  19. The outside shot is funny. My tank does the same thing Nice setup you put together!
  20. Time off from work means time for tank.

    1. mcallahan


      your tank thanks you

    2. JamesL


      Yes it does. It is looking the best it has in a long while.

  21. Please keep only one thread for these items, you are free to bump the thread as needed. I have merged them together.
  22. Installed some stunner leds on my tank today. I think I am going to really like them.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. JamesL


      What can I say.. I am on an "up swing" in paying attention to the tank :)

    3. mcallahan


      time to upgrade!

    4. JamesL


      That definitely is not going to happen :)

  23. Talk to Mark, maybe he can get you faster service.
  24. Cyno is caused by lack of flow, excessive light, and a build up of nutrients. So cut back on your feeding and try to increase the water flow in that area. If that doesn't work you can try to reduce your lighting schedule.
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