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Status Updates posted by Sherita

  1. Hi. My name is Sherita. And I am a coralholic. Pleased to meet you.

  2. Happy Dance! While moving some zoas around today I found the BHBEB's that my urchin stole. They were right side up, and had multiplied!

  3. I went to the dome today looking for pipefish. I left with pipefish, emerald crabs, possum wrasse, cleaner wrasses, and corals. How exactly does that work?!

    1. JamesL


      Ha.. saw all of those on Saturday. Nice take aways :)

    2. Mlaw


      I had it in reverse. I went looking to drop some serious cash on fish and left with an urchin.

    3. Sherita


      Maybe we should go together. We might cancel each other out :)

  4. Dang, clothespins are getting harder and harder to find. I guess next time I will have to order them online.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Grog


      I'm with you. Why waste the power? Clothesline is a project on the list when it gets cooler. I'm not digging post holes, and pouring concrete in this heat. So, fall project.

    3. Dustin Blevins

      Dustin Blevins

      The summer is the best time to build post holes! At least that is what I was told when I was a kid

    4. esacjack


      use duct tape and frag glue

  5. ATO won't work if you forget to turn it back on after filling the reservoir. :P

  6. Oh yay. I've got to work on the truck again. Now it's a bad radius arm bushing.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Sherita


      Somehow I don't see that happening :) I can keep it sound mechanically, but the body work is beyond my skill set.

    3. esacjack


      in that case, just get the mechanical side working like factory, then make the body look like something out of Mad Max..

    4. Sherita


      I'm going to have the body shop repair the body rot around the fender wells and then stick a set of flares on it. I wish I could find someone to put a cheap paint job on it, but no joy there.

  7. Oh yay. I've got to work on the truck again. Now it's a bad radius arm bushing. Thing is a big train in my butt.

  8. 108.6 degrees right now. Wow.

    1. brian.srock


      I admit it was pretty hot out there but I was still running around in camo playing paintball with my friends

  9. I guess yahoo wasn't satisfied with screwing up their email. Now I see they have ruined yahoo news as well. Off to find my news somewhere else.

    1. Bogdan


      It is going down.

    2. Sherita


      I'm tired of them. It seems they hired the larry, darrell and darrell web design company. Their motto is "if it ain't broke, it will be"

  10. Skimmer pump busted. Ugh. I've never seen a magnet split in half on a rio before. :P

  11. I scored a huge elephant mushroom and some truly awesome zoas at the Dome today! I can't believe that no one had grabbed those zoos. Pics in the morning. Don't hate.

    1. esacjack


      *hatin* I was at the dome as well. Which zoos did you grab? I walked in to get a clam, got tangled up looking at corals, left with snails... wtf?

    2. Dustin Pedretti

      Dustin Pedretti

      haha...thats how it always is for me...go in for something cool...leave with something i probably need

  12. What are the odds that I would have TWO zoa eating fish in the same tank?!? The tail spot blenny was eating the skirts, the stupid scopas was eating entire polyps. And yes, before you ask, I saw this with my own eyes. The blenny is in the fuge, the tang in a tank with no zoas. ARGH!

    1. JamesL


      Wow. My scopas has been a model citizen. Was he eating just the ones without the skirts?

    2. Sherita


      No, he was only eating the expensive ones. The skirtless ones were left alone.

    3. JamesL
  13. Murphy lives, but only until I find him.......

  14. Miss the chisel with the two pound shop hammer and you will find out that the hammer throw isn't just an Olympic sport.

    1. Robb in Austin
    2. esacjack


      shotput the hammer eh?

    3. Sherita


      Yup. Got more loft on it than normal. Quite surprising.

  15. Ok, I'm officially over working on my truck. I'm about ready to put a match to it. 4wd front ends are great....until they aren't.

    1. esacjack


      Time for a new jeep Sherita!

    2. Sherita


      The problem child is my '88 F150. I'll get it sorted. No way would I replace it....302 V8, manual transmission and transfer case. Couldn't find another like it if I tried.

  16. Taking my AKC judges renewal test. Can't believe it's already been 6 years. Wow.

    1. Robb in Austin

      Robb in Austin

      What breed/breeds do you judge?

    2. Sherita


      I'm a performance judge. Lure coursing test and trials, all sighthound breeds.

    3. Dustin Blevins
  17. Oh goody. More severe weather headed my way. I've had enough of this. 3.75" hail is NOT funny.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Dustin Blevins

      Dustin Blevins

      Be safe, the water is definitely needed in that area though!

    3. Sherita


      Rain yes, hard water no.

      It's past me now. Got some nasty high winds, and rain. But that's it. Thankfully

    4. esacjack


      Hey sherita, at least you arent getting those days where it rains 4 and 5lb chunks of ice!

      Check it out:


  18. How many images can we have in a post? I'm getting aggravated trying to figure it out.

  19. Here we go again. Tornado warning in effect. Sky is turning black and green to the west of me. I've had just about enough of this nonsense.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Dustin Blevins

      Dustin Blevins

      Did I read somewhere that you were in San Saba? My parents are in Brownwood and they said there was one that touched down at the lake.

    3. Sherita


      I'm just west of Brownwood. It missed me by a few miles. It got pretty rough over there. The folks in OKC have been flattened, I'm still trying to check in with friends there.

    4. Dustin Blevins

      Dustin Blevins

      The okc news is terrible, I wish I could help. I couldn't imagine what something like that would be like to go through

  20. Yet again, the post office astounds me with incompetence. And they wonder why people don't use them.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Sherita


      After dealing with them today, I can honestly say that the USPS is a joke. Stonewalling, lying, rerouting, disconnecting, incompetent bunch of fools. I'm sure they have some good employees, but I didn't find one today.

    3. bimmerzs


      I really wish the USPS would just disappear....they really serve no purpose. lol

    4. Sherita


      Oh yay. Post office robots still can't find the missing box. All they can do is read from their little script. Due for delivery May 9th. Apparently they don't own a calendar. Or can't read.

  21. You've gotta love days like this............NOT.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Sherita


      My van came home on the end of a chain this morning. Not a good start to the day. Fuel pump decided it was tired, and wanted to rest......forever.

    3. ckyuv


      Guess its time for a sports car!

    4. Sherita


      Nah. I couldn't afford the speeding tickets :) Put a new fuel pump in the Astro, and she's back on the road again.

  22. Getting ready to pick a fight with the van. It IS getting new ball joints today, like it or not.

  23. QT tanks are ready, c'mon UPS!

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