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Posts posted by AquaJohn

  1. you might want to consider renting the tile saw from a box store they are way better to use than the el cheepo ones and you dont have to store a tool you will probly never use again lol. I know I would do that and I own one of the el cheepo home depot saws.

  2. if you want to rush it put some ice in a ziplock and rub the foot with it thru the plastic that is stuck to they usualy will release there hold in a few min from the cold. But I am sure he will move on his own in a few hours.

  3. The water level of the tank is within 1/4 in in the 60 in length of the tank . So the tank is fairly level

    The high over flow is on the right.I raised the left side of the pipe that crosses the sump an inch and slowed the return a bit and its back to level I'm going to raise the flow back up in the am when I can keep an eye on it

    I had the sledge out but decided to try it next if the flow don't work

  4. I have an over flow box on each end of the tank with a 1" durso pipe leading to a 3/4 bulkhead drain in the bottom. The 3/4 drains lead to a 1"1/4 pvc pipe that spans accross my sump to join both 3/4 drains . Each end of the 1 1/4 pipe has a 1 1/4 down spout one side dumps into my skimmer the other side SLOWLY drains to my sump.

    recently one over flow has been filling to the waterline of the tank and the other is still 2-3" from the water line any Ideas why ? and how to fix the problem. I just tried moving 1 end of the 1 1/4 pipe about an inch to see if mabey air is trapped in there after a few hours I am going to lower it back down and lift the other side to see if it changes anything.

  5. also the android app for the apex is very cool to if you get it. They have an Iphone one also but I cant comment on how that works.

    Now to get the apex working my DIY leds and I can rip out my rkl and change over to the apex for full control :)

    The way the RKL works led totaly sucks as far as I am concerned. and I probly should have just got a new light controller but I am a eq junky and thought the apex looked cool lol.

  6. and if you dont have a static ip for your router then go to dyndns.org and you can set up a free account and it will monitor your router so when you isp changes your address it will auto update it so its like you have a static ip

    its a bit complex to get your apex sending info over the net if you dont know how to do networking and I dont. It took me probly 4-5 hours total to get it all set up,

  7. ya its actualy ez comparted to getting your apex to send info over the internet lol.

    If you have a static ip setup already just go to reefchat.org make an account then click on extras then sig generator and a side menu will open that says help.

    It just takes like 10 min for it to reflect any changes you make when you edit your sig.

    then its simply paste the link to your sig file and there ya go.

  8. and all of that can be done in a 30 gal system ?.

    I am not a staunch you must do this or you must do that I know there are several ways to get to a healthy tank. I have changed and adpted my tank multiple times still looking for what works for myset up.

    As far as answering the question with a question. I posted why I am using one becuase I have high phosphates. My nitrates have always been decent. For me even with no phos or nit I would still run it just to keep the water oxigenated.

    As far as sucking out all the coral food skimmers are so inefficient that they would never be able to strip all the food out of a system that has livestock constantly adding more to it and food being added. I just dont see the downside of a skimmer as long as you have room for it and the noise is not bothersome. My eq is all in the garage so the loudest thing I hear are my mp40s.

    and I will also admit to being a eq junkie I like to get toys and make them work :)

  9. what benifets do you see from not running a skimmer ? other than saving on the electric bill ?

    For me a big part of the fun of an aquarium is feeding the fish and coral and watching them frenzy. And as high as my phosphates have been and are still I just cant see how you can keep water quality good without massive amounts of live rock/plants to export that stuff or an algae scrubber without a skimmer. I do 30 gal a week water changes on my 150 ish gal system and the NASTY skim the skimmer pulls out would gag a wild hog. I just upgraded to a way bigger skimmer <I think its rated at 500 gal> and the amount of nastyness it pulls out is just amazing. I run gfo,vinegar,biopellets,skimmer,cheto and would guess around 200 lbs of live rock between the display and sump. And with all that my phosphates are still at .15 for the last 2 weeks. Now they may still drop more I am sure my rocks were leaching out tons of po4.

    I guess it all depends what you want to keep. I like sps but have never been able to keep it do to high phosphates now that they are down I have finnaly gotten a few to actual live :)

    I am not knocking going skimmer less I would be happy to be able to sell it and save on running the 3 external pumps on it ;).

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