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Posts posted by AquaJohn

  1. it will not hurt anything but anytime you add a lot of stuff to the tank you risk a diatom bloom. They are not as bad as algae over time they go away all you need to do is clean the glass for a week ot so.

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  2. I would say the only way to get a hanging look without drilling is to use a pole stand of some kind. Like a Floor lamp it has a heavy base a pole going up to the hight you want then a cross bar over the tank to hang the fixture from. Or a clip on where it has a clap that hooks to the side of the tank.

  3. so if fish are not going to be kept in differnt tanks and you have treated and held my fish for 3-4 weeks. 3 hours before I pick up my fish a newly added fish is added to the tank that had ICH with no visable signs dont that risk contamination ?

    I am not knocking it any service is a great addition to the hobby and I do see a market for it. I just thought part of QT a fish was to keep a new fish out of contact with other new fish for 4-6 weeks to make sure the life cycle of ich has come and gone and there is no danger to your main display.

  4. I could see doing it on a fish I was spending 100+ on but even then I would probly just set up a 10Gal with hob filter.

    But I do see a market for it but setting up 10-20 tanks to hold fish seperate and each one having to be on a serperate filter it would get costly to run.

    And what happens if the fish dies while you are taking care of it ?

  5. if it was me I would check the phospate levels in the ro bucket before you put the rocks in then the next day. If it has gone up alot I would go to a pool supply and get seaclear phosphate remover and add some to the ro bucket then shake the rocks around a bit to get all the white junk it will produce off. Then I would do another bucket of Ro and rinse and place one of the rocks in it to check if its still leaching phosphates and repeat till no more po4 is being released.

    After the po4 is where you can handle it I would rinse the rocks then add a few each week to the tank.

  6. and if you use a pvc pipe as a slide to get it to the bottom of the tank you willnot get as much sand storm as if you just dump it in :)

    I would say dump about 1/3 the amount you want in there at a time a week or so apart.

  7. Im not sure how it works on that bottle but usualy a small screwdriver and press down on the center of tthe threded fitting will get the gass out not to sure on a contolled manner mabey buy the torch it goes to and then take it back after you use it to pump the o2 not that I would do it

  8. A weld supply place it may not be hospital grade and they may look at you funny if you bring in a bunch of bagged fish lol :) No IDea what they would charge to do it. You might also slip somoneone at a weld shop some cash most of them run o2 with there cutting torches.

  9. If you email rapid with your tank size and what you plan to grow they will give you a good answer to the number of led's you need. As far as dimmable thats a definate yes :) at least in my book. I am not happy with the dimmer control that rapid sells so I would recomend looking elsewhere. I like the looks of the controller ledgroupbuy.com sells and will probly get 1 to try it soon and then a second one for my other tank if I like it. My second tank is controlled by the reefkeeper lite alc modual and that sucks worse than the rapid one lol.

    If you have a RK computer do not waste the cash on there led controler at least not for DIY fixtures.

    Optics kind of depend how high off the water you want your led's in some cases you would need the light like 12-20 inches above the water line to stop the spotlight effect produced my optics. My lights are all close to the water line sub 5" so I do not run optics and have not had any problems burning coral.

  10. I always thought it was bad to use a float valve to control your ro/di.Because the first bit of water out is not the cleanest ? So your better off letting the tank get low then let the RO/DI run constatly till its full again.

    Or I could just be imagining things again :)

    BTW the place in Burnet that sold those no longer does water storage tanks we sold the line and only do custom stuff now. But if you need a custom built plastic tank :) I have connections. Its now called Freeman engenereed products. Plastic-mart dot com will be relocating to Austin in the next month or so. I hear they will have some tanks on site for walk in sales but not really sure what kinds sizes.

  11. There are several massive threads that have more information than anyone could ever need over on reef central in the DIY section. I would say every posible combination has been discused lol. Just use the search over there and you can spend weeks reading.

  12. After doing 2 DIY led fixtures If I had it to do over again I would pony up the extra cost and get a brand name fixture. Its not that its hard or even that time consuming. I consider myself a decent DIY guy but not strong in electric stuff and to me the cost differance compared to a manufacturers warentee I know what one I would pick after looking at what it took to get done. And I did not even have very much in the way of problems. Other than a few solders looking good but finding out they were not making a connection.

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