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Posts posted by AquaJohn

  1. seaclear po4 reducer from a pool supply works great for removing leaching po4 from rocks. Put the rocks in a tub with ro water add some seaclear the po4 on the rocks will turn white over night shake the rocks off in the water add more seaclear till the rocks stop producing the white film.

    Rinse one rock and place in new RO water let it set over night and then check the po4 if you can live with the amount its good to go rinse and rock lol.

  2. then it would go to another reefer down the line and he would nibble on stuff again. I do have to say he just bothered stuff with a nip here and there he did not just chow down on one coral and move to another.

    i would just as soon he end up in a fowlr

  3. if you want an item let me know via pm and I will hold it with paypal payment.

    I make a trip to rca aqua austin farms aquatek about every other week so can delever when I head out that way to one of those locations

  4. I have 21"dia by 22" tall round tanks that hold abour 35 gal <if I did my math right> I will double check the gallons when I get a chance to grab the right formula.

    they are 40 for blue or 45 for green

    23Dx48 70 gal for 75

    23Dx36 50 gal $55 only one of this size

    15Dx27 20 gal 25

    12Dx24 not marked I t hink they are 12 ish gal $20

    42Dx60 250 gal $200

    32Dx84 250 gal $200

    23Dx80 130 gal $110

    23Dx64 100 gal 90

    all sizes are aprox but close if you need an exact size I can get it when I go in to the shop

    3/4 bulkheads are $10 each installed if you have a hole saw the right size its very ez to do.

    they are rough un finished tanks so you may need to sand the edges or use a razor blade to clean off some of the edges.

    we also have bigger bulkeads

    If you are interested I can take pics. If you are not please dont ask me to dive down and take pics wink.png lol

    most come in green black or natural <white>

    if its going outside you do not want natural it will grow algea

  5. Actualy its our year end clean up <lol kind of late wink.png> but I have several sizes avalable that will soon be ground up and recycled into new parts. They do not have any visible holes and its not the buisness selling them I can just get them and sell them for the plastic value. No its not stealing smile.png my family owns it.

    I can also add bulkhead or spin fitting as needed and some already have them. They range in size of 10ish gal up to 200 ish gal all. They are not going to be avalible for long as we will start cutting them up to regrind them into powder in the next week or so. We also have 2 5000 gal tanks if you have a large DT lol.

    you will have to show up at midnight on Sunday for pick up <just kidding>

    If this is a violation of not being a vendor then feel free to delete it but its not the buisness selling them and they are a one time offering as we sold our water holding tank line once they are gone thats it.

    the 25 gal is an old one from my garage I have only used for ro/di but I am putting in larger tanks.

  6. hey im honest what do you want me to say.

    I have this cool aptasia eating file fish that cleared my tank he is all yours.

    then a week latter I get an email that **** fish ate all my stuff.

    To me the guilt and bad carma of passing on a coral eating beast is not worth the 40 I paid the live fish store and somone may have a fish only tank or a sump that needs to be cleared. I would sure hope that other user here would not be willing to pass on a fish that will distroy a tank.

    And I really did not want to say buy him or he goes in the freezer so whats a guy to do.

    Before I thought this through, I was thinking with the mindset that almost everyone has corals. So I'm cracking up reading this as essentially it sez 'anyone want this fish for a discount - course he will eat all your corals except a few.' What a bargain. Maybe you had to be there (or here in this case) smile.png


  7. lol I was gona say after having to dig up the main water line to my house because the prev owner was a DIY person and did not use primer . There is no way I would not use it but thats 80PSI so mabey you can get away with not using it but it would be a shame to come home to hardwood floors coverd in saltwater because you saved 3 bucks on primer :)

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  8. Anyone want a file fish before it goes to the lfs ?

    It eats aptasia like a pig but it also like duncans acans zoa and palys. never messed with my frogspawn or hammers. I have had him 6-7 months and will eat any type of food.


  9. its a 1w blue laser

    I do not have xenia but the lighter the color and thicker things are the harder it is to burn them to a crisp. Its not like a light saber :). Basicly it will heat up the water and rock around the aptaisia to the point it shrinks to a small ball and eventualy turns black. It also will kill the caroline algae in a small spot around the area less than the size of a dime. you can find them on the net for like 300 bucks.

    You should also know goggles are a must when using it and keep all people out of the room and any animals you dont want to blind. They say less than a second even from a reflection will cause perminant eye damage. So if you get one get the goggles from the same place so they match the color you are using.

    You can also get 2w lasers that I am sure would nuke about anything in the tank but they are probly close to a grand.

  10. the main drawback is what you have fish and invert wise in your tank. Wrasses peperment shrimp and a few other things look at them like a $10 snack. My 110 was over run with aptasia I added 10 < at least 1 was doa> I saw one taken as a snack by my wrasse. a good 4-6 weeks went by with no change then one day there was a huge patch of aptaisia just gone then more and more each night. I have never seen one nudis other than the one I saw get eaten.

    I would say I am down to just a few random aptaisa that I have been burning to death with a laser or hitting with boiling water if I cant get the laser on them. its taken 6+months now but its under control now. I may add a few peperments to the tank so I have some back up for when the nudis starve to death,

  11. thats a loaded question lol. It all depends what you want to spend. They have compleate solderless system that cost a bit more but all it takes to put them together is slap some adheasive thermal past on the back press them on the heatsink then plug in the wire harnesses .

    Well I guess you do need a multimeter to set the drivers output.

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