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General Poll: Do you name your fish or not


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So I was asked by a friend after I got a new fish if I had any thoughts on what I was going to name it, personally I have not named a fish since I was a small child so I was wondering how the general population of reefers in Austin stand on this topic.

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When my family names fish, usually my daughter, it's a death sentence. So much so, that I don't have a single living named fish in any of my tanks anymore. I'm not even a superstitious person, but I've lost 1 non-named fish compared to about 10 named in the past 3 or 4 years.

Naming has been banned in my house...

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I am going to say as a general rule the fishes actual name does not count for the purposes of this poll, calling a lawnmower Blenny a lawnmower does not really constitute giving it a name.

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Depends on the fish. My female betta has no name. But my males were Darth Betta and Master Betta.

My clownfish was Marley. Theres Grumpy Gills, Steve, Butthole, Oscar, and I think a few other really random ones but other than those special ones its just My ______

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My freshwater cichlids all have names because i can keep them alive for years at a time. Unfortunately, for me and my marine fish they have not been around long enough for names to stick. Now that I think on it the longest living think in my tank is a pistol shrimp.... :)

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When we had a puffers they were named, our fist was Doug - in honor of a human with really big eyes, and the second was Hoss.

In our current system the only named fish is our coral beauty - Penelope - because bigsby's wife had named her and we promised to keep her name.

The rest of the fist are mostly named after what they are... Labouti (aka the jerk - only in more adult words, and sometimes we call him fat-A. cause he eats a TON), Mystery, Anthias, the male (anthia), goby, Chevron or just Tang, Helfrichi's, and Scott's.

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I never named them because they seemed to die when they had names... odd coincidences. I also liked that they weren't given names because it kept them more wild in my mind. Now my wife names they based on when we brought them home (cupid for my wrasse that was bought around Valentine's Day, Kringles for the angelfish we bought around Christmas) I like this naming strategy, and they seem to survive with those names! grin.png

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