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Dan and Meg's 240 Gallon Long

Dan H

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Yikes! I've been checking mine frequently and so far it seems ok...

Wasn't terrible, it increased the alk 0.5 dKh overnight which its currently at the level I want to keep it at so hopefully I can find that equilibrium point now to keep it steady.

Hope your pH adventure goes smoothly.

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After a few adjustments I think the CaRX is basically back to tuned properly. I does appear that I may be able to consume slightly less CO2 so that's good.

Came home the other day and found my urchin spawning. He's done this a few times the last few weeks. Must be the season.


Remember my little stomatella problem?


For real? They're INSIDE the skimmer now?!

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Tim and I tested the narrow and wide angle kessil 360's today. Set them up over the brute can I use to mix saltwater to keep out any additional light. The lights are 3.5 years old. Here's what we got:

All lights 6" above water level


12" below water level = 96

18" BWL = 54


12" BWL = 120

18" BWL = 78

2 Narrows 12" apart, center to center

12" BWL in middle of the 2 lights = 192, below one of the lights = 192

18" BWL middle = 120, below one of the lights = 108

1 wide 1 narrow 12" apart, center to center

12" BWL middle = 174, under wide = 131, under narrow = 190

18" BWL middle = 114, under wide = 89, under narrow = 114

I hope that's helpful!

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I have a few Montis and Acros growing at about 26-28" water depth accounting for acrylic thickness, sand height and gap between water and top of the tank. Rock completely covered in coralline as well.

Kessil A360WEs running at 90% intensity, 6 fixtures over 10 feet.

Read a few posts where PAR readings with the Kessils read about 40% lower than actual. Lost me with all the techincal speak but it was on RC and R2R.

I'm getting good growth of everything mostly SPS and LPS. Heighest thing in the tank is still probably ~12-16" under water. Kessils are ~ 9" above the water line.

I'm happy with the look and growth, could be bothered to measure par. I just put a coral where I want it, if it grows great, if it dies, on to the next one.

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Gotta get me one of those A2000's! LOL!

So far my par reading with the new par meter have been disappointing, but I'm starting to think that perhaps it doesn't matter... Everything is fairly happy and has good color... Perhaps it's not perfection but it is worth another $1600? Not sure really so I'm torn as to whether or not I'm going to get 4 more kessils or not. I am for sure going to swap out the BML on the frag tank for a Reefbrite blue, and upgrade the reefbrites on the display to their XHO model.

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