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Hi new here

tracey walker

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lol I have several zoas ,xenia , but I bought a bubble coral which is not doing to good and a sun coral that's doing ok . my redleg hermit messed up the bubble coral pretty bad . I checked my nitrates lastnight and they are around 80 doing a water change later hoping to get it down I have crushed coral in the tank it seems to hold all the dirty matter .

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Crshed coral is a great substrate, I run it myself.

I find it best to clean my substrate every few water changes. Not being as dense as sand I don't think it absorbs nutrients in the same way. I do 30-50% of the bottom at a water change, every couple of months.

In deep sand bottom tanks this usually can be postponed for a while (up to years) before it starts leaching Nitrates into the tank, the flip side being that once a DSB is has maxed out its a real bugger to fix it without breaking down the whole tank.

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Welcome to ARC.

You are not very far from Aquaculture Ranch at Bear Creek. Come visit. I enjoy meeting people and talking about this hobby. With 45 years experience at reefkeeping, I may be able to answer some of your questions. To the point, I have used CaribSea Florida Crushed Coral for many years. My oldest set up at 12 years old is a 75G Jaubert Plenum.

Laissez la bonne temps roulee,





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Welcome. Just about every one of us has killed a coral at some point in both early and advanced levels. When it happens to me I will generally avoid that particular species and try again later.

Those nitrates are a touch higher than many of us like to run but they'll come down with time and maintenance. Crushed coral is ok. I used it for two years and kept lots of sps and haven't had much of a waste issue. You just have to stir it and vacuum it often. Make sure it's shallow. Nitrates should come down in time as your bacterial populations diversify and you start getting denitrification in your rock work. Macro algae helps too...see mr subsea (the above poster) for extensive info on macro algae (but not limited to).

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