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Forum Rules

The purpose of these guidelines is to assure the safeguard of our rights and to maintain equal balance of the community.  Your participation here is voluntary, if at any time you decide you cannot abide by these guidelines you are welcome to discontinue using the site.  You grant, and we reserve the right to maintain and continue to publish content that you post here.  Your continued use of the the site indicates your acceptance of these guidelines.

1) Accounts: We will not remove your account once it is created, nor will we remove content that you post.   You may only have one account. If you wish to change your name, you can do so through the Change Display Name option in your user control panel. We reserve the right to merge or delete multiple accounts.

2) Spam and Off Topic Posts: Spam is classified as an off topic or useless post that does not contribute to the topic content.

a) We ask that each of your posts: be constructive, be well thought out, show integrity, and be on topic.
b) Unsolicited Email will not be tolerated. Logs are kept of all emails sent through this forum. Any member exploiting the service will immediately be banned. We periodically check these logs.
c) Spam will be removed if it violates any of these guidelines.
d) We reserve the right to edit or remove any content that we feel does not promote our desired direction for the club.  Whenever possible we will notify you of such edits or removals.

3) Pornography: Pornography is strictly forbidden. Any adult pictures, clips, videos, etc. are also forbidden. Advertisement of adult sites or links to adult sites will be removed and appropriate action will be taken.

4) Advertisement: Constant advertisement of sites is prohibited. We reserve the right to edit any of your advertisements or any other posts.  Advertising of business or commercial pursuits is limited to Professional and Sponsor members only.

5) Contacting the Staff: If you have an issue you would like to sort out with a staff member, of significant importance, please contact them via the PM system or email.

6) Flaming: Flaming is categorized as insulting or fighting verbally. Flaming will not be tolerated. You will be warned, if you do it again, action will be taken. Other forms of flaming include:
racism, crude jokes, insults, a "diss", spam, arguing, and attacking a person individually.

7) Images and Content: Pictures may be posted as long as they are not explicit or offensive. Signatures may contain images, but may not be any larger than 500x100 (unless otherwise specified) are are subject to rule 4. Please also try and keep text in signatures under 5 lines. Failing to agree with a moderator's request to fix your signature will result in the permanent removal of your signature.

8) Vendor Bashing: You may not post negative comments about our sponsors or their products. If you have an issue with a sponsor, work it out with them personally. If you cannot resolve the issue personally, you may submit complaints to the staff via pm or email. Negative comments about any vendor may be removed without notice. This is at the staff's discretion and will not be challenged.

9) Commercial Sales: Commercial sales are only permitted in designated sponsor and professional forums. Any commercial sales without sponsorship are prohibited. Such posts may be removed without notice.
10) Non-Commercial Sales & Trades: Other than Sponsors and Professional Members, the ability to sale or trade is restricted to Premium Members and is limited to pre-owned goods or self-propagated livestock and coral.  Listing items for non-Premium Members is not allowed. The Status function is not to be used for buying, selling, or trading.

11) Staff and Forum Moderation: You may not re-edit a post that has been edited by a moderator. Impersonation of a staff member will result in immediate ban. If you wish to argue a moderator's decision, you may not bring it before the community in a public manner but should do so privately via PM.

12) Consequences: Violation of any of these rules will result in consequences determined on a case-by-case basis.
13) Guidelines: We reserve the right to change these guidelines as we deem necessary.


  1. About Austin Reef Club

    Who we are and what we do

  2. ARC Membership Q&A

    Here's where you can learn about and ask ARC Membership questions

  3. Welcome

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  4. Book Club

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