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FarmerTy's 215 build


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Glad to hear you got the powder blue and Achilles in! Can't wait to see some pics, also looking forward to seeing that potters wrasse, definitely some nice fish you got there Ty.

Yeah, I'm super excited that the PBT and achilles aren't trying to kill each other! This gives me hope that if they don't do that in a 40-gallon tub, chances are when they get bigger that they won't do it in a 215-gallon tank.

The potters wrasse I got is huge! Like 4-5"! I sure hope he makes it through QT but he's doing the weird leopard wrasse thing where they just lay there until they get used to the time change and feel comfortable enough to explore. My current leopard wrasse came out like 10 times in 3 months while in the tub... They are just odd little creatures.

I hope to get some pictures when I swap the tub again for TTM tomorrow. I would have done it the first night but the shipment got delayed and I wanted them in new water ASAP!

Sounds like a good start for the PBT and Achilles. Did you end up getting the PBT from RCA? I saw they had a few for the first Friday sale the other night.

That potters sounds like it's a beast, leopard wrasse can def be finicky and weird. But they are cool fish for sure.

Yeah Rob, I got the PBT that was in the top tank. He was perfectly small, healthy, and ate mysis at the store so I couldn't pass him up. The achilles is so much bigger than him that there wasn't a battle at all. It's like me picking a fight with Shaq...

The potter's wrasse is ridiculous. He makes the 4" achilles look small! I sure hope he makes it through QT. If I didn't have an ich free tank and just an ich-maintenance tank, I would have tossed him into the main tank already. They don't do the best in QT.

I actually ordered an extra fish of everything I got with this batch of fish. Unfortunately, they ran out of an extra potter's wrasse so he's my only hope!

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Glad to hear you got the powder blue and Achilles in! Can't wait to see some pics, also looking forward to seeing that potters wrasse, definitely some nice fish you got there Ty.

Yeah, I'm super excited that the PBT and achilles aren't trying to kill each other! This gives me hope that if they don't do that in a 40-gallon tub, chances are when they get bigger that they won't do it in a 215-gallon tank.

The potters wrasse I got is huge! Like 4-5"! I sure hope he makes it through QT but he's doing the weird leopard wrasse thing where they just lay there until they get used to the time change and feel comfortable enough to explore. My current leopard wrasse came out like 10 times in 3 months while in the tub... They are just odd little creatures.

I hope to get some pictures when I swap the tub again for TTM tomorrow. I would have done it the first night but the shipment got delayed and I wanted them in new water ASAP!

Sounds like a good start for the PBT and Achilles. Did you end up getting the PBT from RCA? I saw they had a few for the first Friday sale the other night.

That potters sounds like it's a beast, leopard wrasse can def be finicky and weird. But they are cool fish for sure.

Yeah Rob, I got the PBT that was in the top tank. He was perfectly small, healthy, and ate mysis at the store so I couldn't pass him up. The achilles is so much bigger than him that there wasn't a battle at all. It's like me picking a fight with Shaq...

The potter's wrasse is ridiculous. He makes the 4" achilles look small! I sure hope he makes it through QT. If I didn't have an ich free tank and just an ich-maintenance tank, I would have tossed him into the main tank already. They don't do the best in QT.

I actually ordered an extra fish of everything I got with this batch of fish. Unfortunately, they ran out of an extra potter's wrasse so he's my only hope!

Well guess the Achilles is gonna be the boss there. Maybe you should name him shaq, and you can name the potter's wrasse obi wan, since he's your only hope Sorry had to.

On the reals though I hope the potters makes it for you, is he really blue and yellow like the pics?

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I'm going with Rey for my wrasse, but a big part of that is because of my mega crush on her.

It's hard to tell with the potter's wrasse because I've only had it under ambient fluorescent lighting. I'll post some cool videos later today and you can see for yourself.

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Forgive the terrible lighting but here's a glimpse of my new fish being QT'ed right now.

Beautiful fish Ty!! That potters wrasse does look like he's a beast. That male flame looks like he's pretty big as well. And that achilles, wow!! Thanks for sharing!!

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Thanks Rob. I've been only able to look at them from the top down in a tub so believe me... I was super excited to be able to see them from the side like in the video. It's getting me super pumped about my final fish stock!

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I still have the emperor angel, flame angel, cleaner wrasse, orange shoulder tang, and yellow belly tang in the tub.

I'm also currently QT'ing an achilles tang, a powder blue tang, a potter's angel, a potter's wrasse, and a flame wrasse pair.

I'm starting to think I may have to rehome the orange shoulder tang. He's a good 5-6" long and may be tipping the scales of my bioload, especially once everything starts to grow to full size. I'm still on the fence since its such a cool fish.

Are you not concerned with having that many Angels in your tank? I would be worried about the Flame nipping SPS and the large Angels eating your LPS and softies.

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Not at all, I practically have no softies and LPS so it really comes down to SPS nipping.

With the amount of acros I have, the nibbles are distributed so not much consequence in my tank. The flame and the emperor were already living in the tank so I already know what damage level they can do, and it was hardly anything. The majestic and potter's angel are TBD but hopefully they don't decide to tear apart my gold torch or Colorado Sunburst and we'll be all good then.

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Very exciting day! I've had a couple LFS on the lookout for a large colony of this! Can't wait to pick it up today. Pictures and details to come soon... [emoji16]

I'm reminded of post #2147 (12/15/15)

"...But if I can ensure there are no pests with my final populations of fish and corals, why not?"

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