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FarmerTy's 215 build


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Alright, back to the business of the tank.

My sophisticated cooling system went down for a day so I ended up having to pick up a replacement. Set the budget back a bit but this is my favorite hobby so it's worth the money.


Check, one $9.99 clip-on fan from Wal-mart... I opted for black this time to match the uber sleekness of my sump.

Also, round 2 of my clownfish fry automatic feeder system has commenced. They laid their 2nd clutch of eggs, this time there are even more eggs for my chromis to dine on when they hatch.


My mandarin fry automatic feed system is still functioning as I saw them spawn again just last week. I am still aiming to setup my banghai cardinal automatic feeder system but I'm missing a female cardinal fish. I'll get on that!

In other news, my blue tuxedo urchin has been training for the World's strongest urchin contest sponsored by Red Bull and is working on his frag lifting skills. He dead lifted 17 polyps of Cat eyes the other day but hopes to be lifting the grandis palys by next month's time.


Quick summary on the tank, everything is looking good. I have gotten everything stable now and with the increased SPS growth, my alk dipped a bit but I have set the CaRX to start pumping out the good stuff since everything is in growout mode now.

I am getting just a little STN from the dramatic drop in nutrients once the biopellets fully came online and my GFO use is upping again. Nothing crazy and I assume that this will be the last episode of changes as my system seems to have fully balanced out now with the biopellets fully onilne and all my SPS in growing mode again.

Back to work! It's been a crazy month!

BTW, look what I found at HEB a little while back! Sweets for everyone!


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that post is full of laughs. but, on the serious note, if you need to borrow some money for your cooling system let me know. i don't want you to have to go without a cup of coffee this month due to the unexpected expense. although, perhaps your autofeeders will offset the costs.

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Happy to report that everything is looking good in the tank and everything is chugging along nicely. Finally got my alk/Ca usage balanced out with increased growth of all my SPS now. I'm getting this close to hitting the cruise control button soon.

I'll aim to start glueing up frags on the rock work and reclaiming my beach. I'm also thinking of putting all the zoas/palys on their own large rocks and then putting them all next to each other to create a zoa garden.

Enough talking, people start zoning off by the 3rd sentence anyways... like that Dave Chappelle skit... I'm sure someone is thinking of a half goat, half man playing a flute right now.






One of the old tank just because I kind of miss it.


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Nice man! What's all that beautiful wispy purple encrusting stuff around the acro in the 4th picture? Just messing with you.

Those pics lead me to believe your tank is super happy again. Amazing how fast a turn around things did from your experiments with phosphate dosing a few weeks ago lol.

Question for you. Did you not already do that with your zoas before or were they just encrusting across the sandbed? Also do you have that sunset monti on the main rock work? How do you plan to address it when it starts to spread. I love encrusting montipora, but won't they essentially overgrown anything in their path? Only backing down to more aggressive encrusting montis? I'd be worried about it swallowing up an acro but you have more experience with that species than me. Do tell.

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Haha, actually, the purple stuff is actually red turf algae... and I don't mind it at all. It's prettier to me than the base live rock and my tangs munch on it all day. Win win for now at least!

It is pretty amazing how quick things turn around in this hobby... it can also run the other way just as fast!

Some zoas are encrusting to the sand right now but you are correct, some are on large rocks already. I am just planning to do that with all of them now and let them all grow out... and even make a point to separate some to individual rocks and not have multiple types on one rock.

For the sunset, as with all montis, some will win against the acros and some will lose. I just let them grow out and pending which one is winning, I may relocate. Previously, the sunset won against the blue tenius but lost horribly against the hydnophora. For some of my montis, I have been known to glue my acro frags right on top of the monti colony as it encrusts outward. I like the contrast sometimes and you can't beat the location.

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