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FarmerTy's 215 build


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My tank has been pretty stable as of late... enough so that I went ahead and collected back my SPS colonies back from their foster homes. Thank you Richard L, Juiceman, and ol' aggie for saving my babies.

I took some time tonight to glue all my colonies back on the rocks before my urchins walked off with any of them.

Here's just a couple of quick snaps of the tank. It's good to have my SPS back!

Blue lemonade


Blue tenius


Purple stylo


Left side of tank




Hmm what was all this jibber jabber about using videos I stead of FTS? Where's the video farmerTY?

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I started with the skinning this weekend but with so many other things on my plate... it didn't get completed yet. Soon!

You know Manny... video's were so last week. I'm going to be installing a camera that is controllable via an online interface and installing a robot arm so that people can interact directly with my tank. Feed my fish... sure... why not? Want to knock down my ORA hawkins echinata colony? Give it the robot chop! Knock yourself out!

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I started with the skinning this weekend but with so many other things on my plate... it didn't get completed yet. Soon!

You know Manny... video's were so last week. I'm going to be installing a camera that is controllable via an online interface and installing a robot arm so that people can interact directly with my tank. Feed my fish... sure... why not? Want to knock down my ORA hawkins echinata colony? Give it the robot chop! Knock yourself out!

Since the robot arm project got shelved... here's your video Manny.

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for some odd reason, when i hear that music all i can think is that it actually starts playing throughout the house every time you walk into the tank room. It's like a tour of a underwater resort! how much would a night on the couch cost me ty?

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That music was hand-picked! I feel like I should be holding a ridiculously small microphone on a stick and should now ask people what they want to bid on that showcase! If you get it within $100 of the actual retail value, you'll get both rock islands!

And remember folks, spay and neuter your dogs and cats!

-Ty Barker

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I haven't tried to upload anything to youtube yet. I just uploaded it to my computer and tried to watch it. I saw you posted some directions about how to upload videos and I may try that. My S2 doesn't produce great pictures so I don't know how the video would turn out.

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That music was hand-picked! I feel like I should be holding a ridiculously small microphone on a stick and should now ask people what they want to bid on that showcase! If you get it within $100 of the actual retail value, you'll get both rock islands!

And remember folks, spay and neuter your dogs and cats!

-Ty Barker

one miiiiillllioooon dollars with that pinky thing.

and wooord on the pet fixing.

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I started with the skinning this weekend but with so many other things on my plate... it didn't get completed yet. Soon!

You know Manny... video's were so last week. I'm going to be installing a camera that is controllable via an online interface and installing a robot arm so that people can interact directly with my tank. Feed my fish... sure... why not? Want to knock down my ORA hawkins echinata colony? Give it the robot chop! Knock yourself out!

Since the robot arm project got shelved... here's your video Manny.

Haha Thank you sir! Hey if I'm ever in Austin, could I come check out your tank? Possibly buy some frags from you? Small world, I actually have a birdsnest that originated in your tank and is now that fastest grower in my tank and probably the best looking coral I have. It has amazing polyp extension and while just 2 weeks ago it only had two branches, now it has 9.

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O and I had a question about your powder blue tang. I am assuming that the powder brown tang is just its smaller brother in the species. I hear so much about how hard they are to keep in an aquarium and how low success rate people have in keeping them alive. I SO want a powder brown. That would absolutely be the holy grail of my aquarium if I got one. I would literally get rid of every single fish I have if I had to in order to keep one. How true is it what everyone says about the powder blue or brown tangs? Did you take any extra measures to make sure it stayed healthy during the quarantine process? Did you even QT it? I saw some people online recommending not to QT one. I almost agree with this but would rather not have it get ich in my DT and have my other tangs get ich. Hopefully you have some advice for me.

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Oh, you have a limited edition TT birdsnest. Just kidding! I'm glad it's growing great in your tank! Once they are happy, birdsnest will grow like crazy.

You're more than welcome to swing by whenever you make it here. I over document my tank so much it probably feels like you've stood in my fish room already I'm sure.

As you might have noticed when looking at the video, the powder blue did not make it. I probably shouldn't have tried to add him while upgrading my tank at the same time but it was a gamble as to getting one healthy enough to survive the new tank and also adding all my tangs at the same time to avoid territorial issues.

I opted to add all at the same time to avoid territorial issues and it ended up not making it and also causing an ich outbreak with my established population. So, I would highly recommend a stable tank first and also to QT but QT in the largest tank you have as the powder blue seems to get more stressed than other fish in being in a small tank. Mine had flukes to start with, so QT is not something I would skip. Also, it was super territorial, so as far as tangs go, he probably should be your only one in the tank. I would add your other non-tangs first as well just in case and add him last.

I will definitely try another one down the road but he's going to have to be a big one as now my current population has their terrories set up and may not be very open to him joining the tank.

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Ty, I may have missed this somewhere along the way on the build journal, but did you complete your canopy? Or are the halides still directly on the rim on those bamboo shoots? Interested to see how you're going to mount them

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You mean you didn't reread all 19 pages of me blabbing on about my tank to find out?

I am getting some help with the canopy but will be skinning the stand myself. My MHs will be mounted from the ceiling since my tank is so high anyways that it is less than 2' from the ceiling. The canopy itself will be finished to the ceiling as well.

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I actually quickly flipped through each page looking for updated pics. Just trying to get ideas. I still can't believe you don't battle heat with 1200 watts of halides a couple inches from the water.

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Just depends on your definition of heat issue. I run my tank with an average temp of 81-82 so to most, that would be a heat issue already.

My only method of cooling are two clip-on Walmart fans. I run through about 10 gallons every 5-7 days of top off water.

Remember, currently there is no hood so the MHs vent openly. Once the canopy is in place, I will install a bathroom vent fan hooked up to my Apex to control temperature and at the same time should take care of the humidity in the house when the AC is not as active.

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Fair enough. I use a heater to keep my tank at 80-81 degrees. So will this bathroom vent fan be in the ceiling above the tank? Will you vent it entirely to outside? I would think that would create tremendous amounts of moisture in the attic otheriwe

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