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90 gallon rimless build thread


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Took a few photos after the toby puffer. SPS are starting to take off well.

Valida finally starting to grow well.


Another valida that I've had for more than a year now. It's doubled in about 2 months.


Yet another valida....


ORA Hydnophora, brightest green coral I've ever seen.


Same hydnophora back in July


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Lookin good. That puffer is cool. I always wanted one.

Yeah, I was at that no more fish point and they just had to have a small one in stock... Not really worried about him and a reef tank, just hope I don't have to increase my feeding to a ridiculous level.

Pretty funny when I added him. It was literally like a dog park. Every fish in the tank swam up and stared him down and gave a sniff and then they all went about their way.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Any updates on the cermedia?

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I'd say it's working for both nitrification and denitrification. My biopellet reactor stopped tumbling for an unknown amount of time, likely about 2 weeks, and nitrates still never registered.

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I'm using two of those in my sumps cryptic area. 5-10ppm without water changes while running 25lbs of reefsaver in 65 gallons of volume. Im pretty impressed with them as well.

Good idea for the skimmer stand, looks like I may be adding another one... :)

Edited by esacjack
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  • 2 weeks later...

I just won one of those Cermedia ceramic blocks at C4. rock.gif Any suggestions on putting it into my tank? I'm going to sit my skimmer on it like you did Jestep. Instructions says just rinse with tap water and then with tank water before putting it into the system. Any advice or feedback of its functionality is much appreciated.

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I just won one of those Cermedia ceramic blocks at C4. rock.gif Any suggestions on putting it into my tank? I'm going to sit my skimmer on it like you did Jestep. Instructions says just rinse with tap water and then with tank water before putting it into the system. Any advice or feedback of its functionality is much appreciated.

I just rinsed and then ran some RO through it and threw it in. I think my only concern would be putting it in an area that has too much detritus flowing through it as I could see it clogging up the pores, but then again this might help denitrification by reducing flow through the block.

Pretty cool product though. I was blown away that I could run water straight through it without any even pouring off the sides.

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Awesome! Thanks Jestep! I'm pretty excited to try it out in my system and it will look much better than the eggcrate skimmer stand I made anyway. At least I know I can just throw it right in since ol aggie went for the wild man approach and nothing happened. Haha.

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  • 3 months later...

Haven't updated in a long time, so figured I'd throw something up here. We moved back at the beginning of July. Tank move was easier than moving from a house we'd been living in for 7 years. I don't ever want to do that again...

Bought a wall cabinet for my supplies and reactors. Much nicer than having them junk up the free sump space.


Also, for anyone using the cadlights conical biopellet reactors, do not use them with npx biopellets. Once the pellets get worn down, they fit perfectly in the holes at the bottom and very effectively clog it up. Burned out my pump when I was out of town because it got so clogged.

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  • 2 months later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Was doing some work in the tank and accidentally obliterated my large hammer. Looks like it was around 80 heads, just guessing.

Pretty crazy how much skeletal growth is on this. Started as a single head about 4 years ago.


Volleyball size:



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You got a FTS Jestep? I was a big fan of your old tank's minimal aquascaping. Wondering if you employed similar design plans in this tank when you upgraded.

I actually don't have a recent one. There's a huge window opposing the front of the tank, so I have to take one at night with all the lights off to have any chance at a decent one. I more or less set it up exactly the same way after we moved so not a ton has changed. I'll see if I can find some time this weekend to get some updated photos.

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Jestep, just a thought I had this morning. How long ago did you add the Cermedia block to your sump?

I've just been reading on other forums lately and there was a correlation of higher aluminum levels in tanks that had one of those blocks. This is assuming that the Triton test is at least able to discern high and low concentrations of Aluminum.

Not everyone who had a block had higher aluminum levels but interestingly, a lot did.

Only reason I mention is because you had an issue with randomly stning corals this past summer even though all your measured parameters were in line. Once I corrected my salinity and lowered my nitrates, I had random STN for awhile too and it only stopped here lately. I wonder if it's time to pull my block.

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