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150g Indio-Pacific Biome

Sascha D.

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In Hawaiia, Red Ogo is eaten as a food. Gracilaria Parvispora grown on the reefs could not keep up with demand. Gracilaria Tikvahia

from GOM was sent to Hawaii and is now considered invasive. Some Hawaiians call it Red Ogo also.

I am very interested in cultivating G. Tikvahia because it can withstand temperature fluctuations which occur during the summer in the greenhouse.

Can we trade something for the G. Tikvahia that you have?


Scientific Name: Halimeda Incressata

Lighting: Moderate - High

Placement: Rock

Growth Rate: Slow

Nutrient Update: Fair

Comments: I received this macro as a hitchhiker and didn't know it was there. Very rigid and calcified, fish will not eat it. I've had the rock about eight weeks and it has grown from nothing to around about an inch high. I would consider it a slow grower, but I hope it sticks around and creates a nice structure to display in front of the tank.


Scientific Name: Gracilaria Parvisipora

Lighting: Moderate - High

Placement: Rock

Growth Rate: Moderate

Nutrient Update:Good

Comments: Received has a hitchhiker, this macro just sprang up in the refugium and it took awhile to identify. It looks as if it is palatable to fish, but different site differ on if anything will eat it. It has not attached to anything on its own and came in as several small, separate pieces.


Scientific Name: Caulerpa Prolifera

Lighting: All

Placement: Sand

Growth Rate: Extremely Fast

Nutrient Update: Excellent

Comments: I received this this macro in the refugium pack that I purchased from Aquaculture Ranch. It started as about 5 sprigs and quickly covered 30 inches of sand in my display. I dropped a few sprigs in my refugium as well and I have noticed that it grows much slower without a sand bed. I can see how this species could be very invasive. I have read that it is only somewhat palatable, but other people's first hand experience is that some Tangs devastate this macro. I like the look of it in the display and I find fish resting within the plants often, but you have to be careful not to overload the system unless you want every inch of sand covered. I admit that it might look pretty cool that way.


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I have about three decent strands of G. Tikavhia. When I got it, all of the strands where white and now they're a nice deep red. Hopefully I can get it to grow out some and then I would happily part with a good chunk.

In Hawaiia, Red Ogo is eaten as a food. Gracilaria Parvispora grown on the reefs could not keep up with demand. Gracilaria Tikvahia
from GOM was sent to Hawaii and is now considered invasive. Some Hawaiians call it Red Ogo also.

I am very interested in cultivating G. Tikvahia because it can withstand temperature fluctuations which occur during the summer in the greenhouse.
Can we trade something for the G. Tikvahia that you have?

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Do you have any of the G. Parvispora that you got from me. Heat stress finished mine off even though the water temperature never exceeded 82.0 degrees. During this winter, I will attempt to grow both species as a food source.

I received some very nice red macros. At least three species look to be decorator quality. I will be cutting sprigs of these different decorator macros and place on egg crate to grow out. Because of the large number of hobiest using LED, I will place some of them under LED. Half will go under T5 lamps. Results will be documented and posted on my website.


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I do still have it, but it hasn't been doing very well in my tank. All of the branch segments separated from the main stalk when I got it home from your house and it gave me a lot of little pieces. The pieces in my DT got blown all around and ended up lodged in random pieces of LR. I just left them in there to see what would happen. The pieces in my refugium are small and scattered. My tank was running around 84 for a while and that might have caused it. It's down to 80 now so we'll see how it does.

My G. Hayi has been doing the best of all the red macros. The sprig I put into the DT more than tripled in size and my refugium stock has quadrupled. I had planned on using this macro to feed my tangs if I had decided to get any and I'm happy that it is doing so well because it looks amazing in my tank.

The green macros have been doing okay as well. C. Prolifera has taken over the majority of the right side of my tank and it needs to get pruned back. My Chaetomorpha got out of control a few months ago and was constantly being sucked up my return and into my DT. The Ulva has been growing at a decent rate and is starting to block out the light from the other macros. I'm going to anchor it on one side of the refugium so that it doesn't float on top of the surface. I had also previously thought to grow it as a food source for my tangs, but haven't gotten any yet.

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Yes to Ulva as a food for tangs. The Gracilara Hayi is high in calcium and is not palpable to herbivores. For hobbiest with Tangs in DT, it is a perfect display quality red macro.


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RCA had their monthly First Friday Sale last night!

I took the opportunity to upgrade my clean up crew. My main objectives are sand bed maintenance and algae removal.

  • Hawaiian Tiger Sea Cucumber
  • Cerith Snails x20
  • Emerald Crab

I'm undecided on shrimp at the moment because we're still thinking about a Christmas Wrasse. LiveAquaria has a "build your own" CUC that includes free shipping so I may take advantage of that. Reefs2Go also has BOGO deals on Brittle Starfish and Margarita Snails that would help a lot. I may also consider another cucumber (this one is small) or a sand-sifting goby.

10-4-13 tests

  • Pn - 8.4
  • Ammonia - 0
  • Nitrites - 0
  • Nitrates - 0
  • Salinity - 1.023
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Week 11 Update:

Closing in on the three month mark! All of the Chromis are doing well and the macros are growing like crazy. My shrimp/goby combo has become increasingly reclusive as time has gone on. I almost never see them anymore and it's not about to change considering the burrow has been relocated to the rear of the tank. Most of the corals have been doing well, with the exception of my Duncan coral that hasn't fully extended in 23 days. In the last week I've seen my zoas closing up for a day or two at a time and then extending again.

In an attempt to make the environment better for my corals, I have lowered the temp to 78 at night and 80 during the day. I have also begun lowering the salinity from 1.025 to 1.023. In my opinion, the algae growth has been excessive and I'm currently troubleshooting the water quality. The most recent water quality report isn't the best and I have decided to install an RO/DI unit and SW mixing station in my garage. I will also be removing my PhosBan 150 reactor because I don't think it has been effective. I may look into a BRS reactor in the future.

Future Projects:

  1. RO/DI Unit - Right now I'm looking at the BRS 4-Stage RO/DI Plus unit and a float valve. I wish they had more info on their website.
  2. SW mixing station - I'll be looking to buy 3 barrels and building stands for them.
  3. ATO - Still on my list despite past product flops.
  4. Plumbing fixes and upgrades - I need to redo the drain line to prevent splashing and salt creep
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Kudos on the saltwater mixing station. I think your salinity level is fine. Mine runs at 1.025-1.026. I'd keep running the Phosban Reactor and just buy some BRS GFO media for it if you don't feel like the Phosban is working for you. Just my 2 cents! Tank looking good!

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I'm happy with my RODI from Bulk Reef Supply. Look at my thread about the DI resin expiring. You may want to get some extra parts to make it a little more efficient. TDS creep killed my DI resin quickly, the couple of parts to fix the problem are well worth the cost.

The 150g per day upgrade is a good option. I did that as an add-on and I'm happy with that too.

Couple of up-front costs that will save you money on consumables smile.png

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Kudos on the saltwater mixing station. I think your salinity level is fine. Mine runs at 1.025-1.026. I'd keep running the Phosban Reactor and just buy some BRS GFO media for it if you don't feel like the Phosban is working for you. Just my 2 cents! Tank looking good!

Hi Ty. You and Victoly mentioned the salt level. The reason I have been lowering it is because people suggested it would help my Duncan. I've always kept my gravity at 1.025 but I thought it was worth a shot if it helped the coral. It still hasn't come out and I'm starting to worry. After 5 days in the sand I moved it back up into the LR because my conch keeps knocking it over. The Two Little Fishes reactor is just horrible! I'd like to try a new brand and I'm done with TLF. I've tried three of their products and they're all cheaply designed and have too many flaws. I might try that GFO media.

I'm happy with my RODI from Bulk Reef Supply. Look at my thread about the DI resin expiring. You may want to get some extra parts to make it a little more efficient. TDS creep killed my DI resin quickly, the couple of parts to fix the problem are well worth the cost.

The 150g per day upgrade is a good option. I did that as an add-on and I'm happy with that too.

Couple of up-front costs that will save you money on consumables smile.png

Thanks for the link Grog. I'll definatly be checking out your thread before I buy. I can't order my unit until next week so I still have time to customize it. I'd like to pick up the float valve but other than that I was just going to get the regular unit.

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Definitely try the brs reactor if yo are really gonna switch. They are made really well and I agree with Ty give their GFO a try it is very affordable and does work great. Plus I think that RCA has started to carry it in the store so you can get it locally.

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my shrimp/watchman were incognito for the first month or two when i first go them. the only way i knew they were alive was that the sandbed kept getting redone and i could hear the pistol shrimp shooting at something most nights. not sure what happened, but now they are out front most of the time. manna from heaven is my best guess.

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Well my tanks survived my weekend in Dallas. It was a good trip but I'm glad to be home.

When I got home I noticed the Duncan was mostly out! Let's hope it stays in a happy place! I also called Drs. Foster and Smith and they said they would take the reactor back. I love this site! That's why I've been buying from them for the last 14 years! When they say 100% satisfaction guarenteed, they really mean it.

I plan on ordering the water filter today, so hopefully I'll be starting this project this weekend. I'm also hoping that I can hook it up to the same line as my water softener, but I really have no idea what I'm doing.

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I went to RCA to have my water tested for week 13.

  • Ph - 8.2
  • Ammonia - 0
  • Nitrites - 0
  • Nitrates - 0
  • Phosphates - 0
  • Salinity - 1.023

GBTA is doing well. He changes color all of the time, but hasn't shown bubbled tips except for a few occasions and they weren't like the pictures you see. He also hasn't moved since the day I got him, which I find strange. The foot is waaay back in the rockwork and it would be near impossible to move him without taking that whole section down.


I've gotten exponential growth from the G. Hayi. It looks amazing! I'm going to have to prune it back before it covers the Copper Penny Palythoas. That whole bunch of macro is supported by a single holdfast anchored in a 1/4lb piece of rubble.


I found an Emerald Crab in the tank. He's making himself right at home. This is the only time I've seen him near any corals and the Devil's Hand doesn't seem to mind. He's very brave and I see him every day in difference places. I might get a couple more to help clean the tank.


I love me some $5 frags! I got this colored trumpet at RCA three weeks ago and he's doing great! I've seen triple extension since I brought it home. My LR is coloring up nicely and you can see some of it in this pic. Three months ago it was all white.


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Beautiful coloring on the live rock!

The anemone is where it likes it best... foot deeply entrenched in a hole and then it reaches out during the day and retreats back at night.

That sounds pretty spot on. I've never kept a BTA before and thought twice about getting this one from Lenver because people on the forums make them sound like the hardest, trickiest, most difficult creatures in the world to make happy. Able to destroy tanks in a single night of roaming, combating powerheads and going to war on fish, among other things like taking over the world!

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I am sure there are horror stories of them taking your arm off and such but mine have always been well behaved and great additions to the tank.

Any tips on getting the tentacles to take on that short, fat appearance? The ones I see on Divers Den are disc shaped like plate corals and have short bulbous tentacles. Some things I've read say they only look like that under MH, but I've seen people's BTA under MH and they look like mine.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Week 15 Update:

A lot has happened in the last two weeks. I'd say that I've almost cursed myself with some of the previous posts about how little trouble I've been having with certain species.

First is the BTA. I woke up one day and it was gone! I spent the day looking around at different times and nothing. The second day I found him...in the sump! It moved 4 feet cross the tank, 3 ft up the overflow wall, and then 5 feet down the drain line in one day. I guess I need to put a grid on my drain line. Yesterday, I took him out of the sump and put him back in the DT. This morning...gone again. We'll see where he turns up.

Next is water quality. I got some cyano again after I removed the reactor. While not as aggressive as before, I still don't like seeing it. I bought an RO/DI unit from BRS to help combat the intake of nutrients. The only problem? I have no idea how to set it up LOL! I bought a plastic 55g barrel from Mitch for the RO/DI and I have a location, but no idea how the unit works. For now I'm going to have to siphon out the cyano through a filter sock.

More CUC added. Two more conchs and five turbo snails.

Bubble Algae. The excessive amount of nutrients is causing the algae to grow and spread very quickly. The crabs aren't taking care of it so I'll have to start manually removing some. It's not bad when you have 1 or 2 on a single rock, but I'm up to about 20 in various spots.

Hair Worms. Here's a good picture in this hitchhiker guide. My population of worms has been steadily climbing. While normally hair and spaghetti worms live in the sand and don't bothing anything, some have moved into my Zoanthid frags and have caused them to close up. I'm going to have to figure out a way to extinguish them before my frags die.

Edited by Sascha D.
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