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Announcing the December Meeting/Party


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Jake at River City Aquatics has volunteered to host the December Meeting, at his store, http://www.rivercityaquatics.com/'>River City Aquatics.

The details: Please RSVP to this thread so we can get a head count of who is attending.

December 15, 2012 at Noon until 2 pm.
With the holidays upon us, there's a new tradition that We are starting in the club. If you're interested and able to donate, we'll be collecting canned food at the December meeting for donation to the Capital Area Food Bank of Texas. If you bring it to the meeting, the staff and I will get it to the food bank.

Everyone bringing a donation of at least 5 cans will get 1 entry into a drawing for a special prize. that special prize is:

An Aqueon Evolve Pico tank (donated by Jake at RCA)

There will door prizes galore including two tickets to the Capital City Coral Corral, as well as an assortment of ARC mechandise for sale. Everyone is welcome (kids too), so come and join us!

Some door pizes: more ill be added as they come in.

Guidelines for donations are here:


Let's get in the spirit and help out some of our less fortunate central Texans, and I ask you to help in any way you can.

Premium Membership cards will be avaiable at the meeting too. Please see Robin for your card.

From the Staff at The Austin Reef Club we hope you have a swimmingly Holiday Season!


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I'm not going to be able to make it but wanted to say it was nice to get to meet some of you in person at the RCA sale Saturday. My wife tagged along and was impressed with how friendly and willing to chat everyone was.

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