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Sixline Wrasse Opinions


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Hi all,

Looking for opinions on the Sixline Wrasse (P. hexataenia). Consensus over at Reef Central is that they are pretty aggressive, but I really like them and they seem to have a lot of personality. Below is my proposed stock list (currently building a new tank setup), in order of introduction. If I opted not to get the Flasher Wrasse and added the Sixline last, do you think he would get along with the others?

Diamond Watchman Goby (V. puellaris)

Red Firefish (N. decora)

Pair of Percula Clownfish (A. percula)

Blue Chromis (C. cyaneus)

Orchid Dottyback (P. fridmani)

Filamented Flasher Wrasse (P. filamentosus)

Kole's Tang (C. strigosus)

Yellow Longnose Butterflyfish (F. flavissimus)

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Years ago I had a 6 line, and he was great, never aggressive to any of my other fish or inverts (cept pods, read on). Keeping Wrasse together is not recommenced and I don't have much to add there as my only wrasse was the 6-line. The only down side I can say about this fish is he was very good at hunting and eating the small pods in the tank. But he also took to other food I feed the tank very well.

He was always swimming in and out of the rock etc. I DO plan on having another one in my current tank.

Oh, my original tank was a 135g.

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Years ago I had a 6 line, and he was great, never aggressive to any of my other fish or inverts (cept pods, read on). Keeping Wrasse together is not recommenced and I don't have much to add there as my only wrasse was the 6-line. The only down side I can say about this fish is he was very good at hunting and eating the small pods in the tank. But he also took to other food I feed the tank very well.

He was always swimming in and out of the rock etc. I DO plan on having another one in my current tank.

Oh, my original tank was a 135g.

Thanks...what are the other inhabitants of your current tank?

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I have one 6 line and two clowns in my 33 long. The six line follows the clowns and pics at pods on the rocks all day. He is goofy and follows the clowns, but has a more fluid motion.

Been in there with the clowns for 6 months. No issues. Sometimes I think he may think he's a clown the way they buddy up and hang out in the frogspawn together. Then he will disappear into the rock work with a flash.

Clowns can be agro though. Less agro fish may not do so well with a 6 line. I'd expect the 6 line to pick on a more timid fish.

I've considered adding a 6 line to some of my other tanks once they are properly cycled. I enjoy their behaviors. I have mostly inverts in this tank. He doesn't really bother them. Seems to be totally intent on decimating the pod population.

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Years ago I had a 6 line, and he was great, never aggressive to any of my other fish or inverts (cept pods, read on). Keeping Wrasse together is not recommenced and I don't have much to add there as my only wrasse was the 6-line. The only down side I can say about this fish is he was very good at hunting and eating the small pods in the tank. But he also took to other food I feed the tank very well.

He was always swimming in and out of the rock etc. I DO plan on having another one in my current tank.

Oh, my original tank was a 135g.

Thanks...what are the other inhabitants of your current tank?

Best I can remember:

Watchman Goby

Kole Tang

Cleaner shrimp (2)

Blue Chromis (3)

Maroon Clown

Flame angle

Long nose hawk fish - very cool fish, but as he got older had a propensity to eat shrimp

... Thats what I remember, I think there might have been more

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I have come to love ornamental crustaceans more than fish, especially ones that associate with anemones and other coral/corallimorphs, but that means no wrasse, puffers, triggers, etc. for me. If you want ornamental crustaceans, then you probably don't want the wrasse.


I highly recommend following this link and posting your tank specs and proposed livestock list. Steve (snorvich) does an outstanding job of pointing out problems. He will especially like you listing the scientific names.

PLEASE check out your intended fish purchases here first!

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I disagree that having ornamental Shrimp means you can't have Wrasses in the tank. It may limit what wrasses you choose but it doesn't eliminate them altogether. I have had 2 Skunk Cleaner Shrimp and 3 Porcelain crabs in my tank for well over a year with 7 wrasses, and at one point I even had a Niger Trigger for about 6 months with them. I also had a Fire Shrimp with them but traded it out for another Skunk instead. My wrasses are mostly Fairy Wrasses (Redfin, Fine Spotted, RubyHead, Solar, Lubbocks) and a Mystery and a Cleaner... Like anything, research their behaviors and then make educated decisions. Yes, you may still run a risk but you can do it. My Niger Trigger learned to park himself in front of the Cleaner Shrimp from my Tangs and would get himself cleaned on a daily basis...

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I've had a six line for more than 5 years. I have tried a couple of fairy wrasses and he has killed them. But I have kept a green coris wrasse, a potter's leopard wrasse, multiple anthias, clownfish, firefish, green chromis, a mandarin goby, a royal gramma, an orchid dottyback, and a twin spot hog fish, without problems. He has never bothered my tangs.

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I disagree that having ornamental Shrimp means you can't have Wrasses in the tank. It may limit what wrasses you choose but it doesn't eliminate them altogether. I have had 2 Skunk Cleaner Shrimp and 3 Porcelain crabs in my tank for well over a year with 7 wrasses, and at one point I even had a Niger Trigger for about 6 months with them. I also had a Fire Shrimp with them but traded it out for another Skunk instead. My wrasses are mostly Fairy Wrasses (Redfin, Fine Spotted, RubyHead, Solar, Lubbocks) and a Mystery and a Cleaner... Like anything, research their behaviors and then make educated decisions. Yes, you may still run a risk but you can do it. My Niger Trigger learned to park himself in front of the Cleaner Shrimp from my Tangs and would get himself cleaned on a daily basis...

I have a ton of Sexy Shrimp, some aren't much bigger than amphipods.

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I have come to love ornamental crustaceans more than fish, especially ones that associate with anemones and other coral/corallimorphs, but that means no wrasse, puffers, triggers, etc. for me. If you want ornamental crustaceans, then you probably don't want the wrasse.

I highly recommend following this link and posting your tank specs and proposed livestock list. Steve (snorvich) does an outstanding job of pointing out problems. He will especially like you listing the scientific names.

PLEASE check out your intended fish purchases here first!

Thanks! I have posted there and have used Steve's advice to build my stock list. He advised against getting a Sixline, but I wanted a second opinion. :)

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You're gonna hear good stories and bad stories about any fish really. I don't think he will pick on the fire fish too much, unless they are just dumb. They may hide a bit at first, but if they want they will just dart to their hiding places too fast for him.

Good luck:)

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I've had a six line for more than 5 years. I have tried a couple of fairy wrasses and he has killed them. But I have kept a green coris wrasse, a potter's leopard wrasse, multiple anthias, clownfish, firefish, green chromis, a mandarin goby, a royal gramma, an orchid dottyback, and a twin spot hog fish, without problems. He has never bothered my tangs.

How do your gramma and orchid dottyback get along?

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Theyre just like any other creature on this earth, they have a mind of there own, each ones disposition will vary. I have two in seperate tanks and havent really had any problems. Results will vary. I say do it if you want and if your that worried about it dont muck with it.

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My only suggestion would be to have an exit strategy. You need an option for if you get one of the bullies of the species. What are you going to do with him if he is too much to handle?

There are a bunch of things you can do to curb aggression, but if they don't work you need to know where he is going. I saw a poor guy at a lfs that bought a clown trigger. He figured he could introduce it to his tank and things would work out. After all just because the species has a rough reputation doesn't mean they are all that way. I saw him on the day he was bringing it back to the LFS. He got half back.

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