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Thinking About Adding More BTA-Hosted Ornamental Crustaceans

George Monnat Jr

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Hi All,

While I've been waiting for my tank to mature, I paid more for a more interesting CUC. Instead of more hermits, I got a bunch of shrimp, mostly Sexy Shrimp. I still don't have large fish or corals, and I plan on choosing those that won't harm my Sexy Shrimp and others (no wrasses, coral banded shrimp, etc.). The tank is still mostly empty, so I was thinking about adding 1 or 2 more BTAs that can host interesting crustaceans.

I currently have one large BTA that hosts a group of Sexy Shrimp. I'm thinking about adding another BTA to host a pair of Porcelain Anemone Crabs (Neopetrolisthes ohshimai or N. maculatus) or maybe 1 or more White Spot/Ghost Anemone Shrimp (Periclimenes brevicarpalis) or even better Anemone Saddled Cleaner Shrimp (Periclimenes holthuisi).

Here's my setup

6' left-to-right, 18" front-to-back, 19" water depth (constant water level down to top of substrate) 125 gal DT w/ 33 gal sump and 190# LR

Here's my current bioload

10 small bumblebee snails

30 nerite snails

~16 cerith snails

3 small (1/2"-3/4") red-legged hermit crabs [still waiting for them to die and stop eating my cerith]

1 large (2") tiger pistol shrimp

13 small (1/4"-1/2") sexy shrimp [i bought 12 but now have 13 :eek1:; 4-8 stay on the BTA at any time, the others have a couple of other spots, like swinging on my poor Hawaiian Feather Duster]

4 medium (1.5") scarlet/skunk cleaner shrimps

2 medium (1.5") blood red fire shrimp

1 medium/large (4" dia.) brown BTA

1 large (2" dia.) Hawaiian Feather Duster

3 medium (1/2", 3/4" & 1" dia.) purple feather dusters

1 yellowtail damselfish (1.5")

1 Randall's Prawn Goby (2.5")

1 bicolor blenny (2")

I'm thinking about adding a harem of anthias (probably Threadfin), but everything I've read says they're reef and small invert safe (I hope so!)

Does anyone see a problem with those inverts being hosted by BTAs or having a conflict with my other critters? I've read that the porcelain crabs do well in pairs, but if I go with the shrimp, how many?



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I don't think you'd have a problem with more BTA's, not sure about the anthias.

One other route you may go, as my sexy shrimp isn't picky, is other anemone types. Mini-carpet anemones, LTA, condylactis, or just about any soft coral. My sexy shrimp hosts my anthelia, xenia, clove polyps, and devils hand at various times.

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One other route you may go, as my sexy shrimp isn't picky, is other anemone types. Mini-carpet anemones, LTA, condylactis, or just about any soft coral. My sexy shrimp hosts my anthelia, xenia, clove polyps, and devils hand at various times.

That's an intriguing idea.

* Which seems to be the sexys' favorite?

* Which is your favorite?

* Which are more hardy (I'm probably not ready for LPS and definitely not ready for SPS)

* Which are peaceful and don't engage in chemical/bio warfare?

* Are any the answer for all four?

I only have experience with BTAs.


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Mine seems to prefer a large Kenya Tree in my pico, but I think that's because 1) it's the tallest thing in the tank, and 2) he camouflages perfectly in it. He's hard to find sometimes.

If you're able to keep a BTA alive, you'll have no issue with Kenya Tree, Anthelia, Xenia, or cloves. The Kenya, Anthelia, and Xenia are so hardy as to be considered weeds by a lot of reefkeepers. I've never had any issues with chemical warfare among them.

You should also definitely look into crinoid squat lobsters, I had one a few years ago and he was an awesome little creature.


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As far as other anemones go, if you're not worried about it maybe moving until it finds a perfect home you could look up maxi carpets...you get some really neat colors from those.

I'd probably go with some sort of soft coral...try looking for a neon green hairy toadstool or something ...just my opinion:)

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Wow, I hand't seen the crinoid squat lobsters before. I don't want to try keeping a feather star alive. Did anything else host your squat lobster?

Thanks for the info, I think that'll really help me plan stocking my DT.

I'd skip maxi-carpets as they are incredibly sticky and like to eat fish. Your crustaceans would probably be fine, but I'd worry about losing your fish.

Crinoids will host most of the same corals that your sexy's will host. Anything frilly basically.

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Crinoids will host most of the same corals that your sexy's will host. Anything frilly basically.

You're getting me to build quite a wish list for All WYSIWYG! :)

I know it's weird (to some) to want these tiny, typically cryptic crustaceans for a 125g and not a nano, but without predators mine stay out in the open. The tiny sexies and the even the fire shrimp hang out in the front. None of them want to miss a feeding! I have a harder time getting them to scavenge in the LR like a proper CUC should than staying out in the open.


Tonight I'll get a shot of the 6-9 sexies on my BTA.

I'm excited about the coral and crab/shrimp/lobster combinations you've all mentioned. I need to get back to work...

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Have a mini carpet nem and he hasn't hurt anything but right now he's hiding inbetween some rocks but my skumk shrimp has no problem on him. Whatever you do get make sure you don't have any power heads close to where they can get to.

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Thanks to all for the information.

My scarlet cleaners anger me. Everytime I try to feed the BTA and Sexies, 1 or 2 of the cleaners run over and try to steal everything. They're like LSU's Honey Badger - they don't care. They just run right across the BTA and grab what they can.

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Wow, I hand't seen the crinoid squat lobsters before. I don't want to try keeping a feather star alive. Did anything else host your squat lobster?

Thanks for the info, I think that'll really help me plan stocking my DT.

I'd skip maxi-carpets as they are incredibly sticky and like to eat fish. Your crustaceans would probably be fine, but I'd worry about losing your fish.

Crinoids will host most of the same corals that your sexy's will host. Anything frilly basically.

Totally disregarded the fact that he listed some gobies as inhabitants!! My bad, yea i'd probably stay away from the maxi's as well if that was the case. Thanks for correcting me!

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That's an intriguing idea.

* Which seems to be the sexys' favorite?

Can't speak for all of them but, our sexies have taken up residence in our flower anemone. They ignored the condy completely as far as I can tell. I lost one of the three on the first day. Not sure if it got sucked into the intake or was munched by another tank mate. The other two are in the flower anemone though, wiggling away. :P

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