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Joining the Dino party


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Seriously, what is in the water ? I haven't changed my routine at all, and all of a sudden, dinos pop up. Nitrates are 1.5 ppm and po4 is 0.06 ppm. What the heck ? Check the picture to make sure I didn't misidentify.



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it's been 2 days in a row where I either turn the substrate or siphon off the top layer, so I can't really say how they behave at night. It's just weird because my NO3/PO4 levels are pretty dang low...Maybe i need to jack my pH up a bit.

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Do you run your own RO water. Excess silicates will often lead to diatoms. This can happen with old filters.

Also, I used to see recurrent issues in my FW tank that I could attribute to seasonal changes in the tap water. It's possible that there is just a ton of silica compounds in the current Austin tap, and more is getting into tanks.

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Diatoms just run their course... silicates in the water will eventually be used up. I think the theory was it was fluctuating in nature due to drought conditions, the water is more concentrated, ending up with a higher concentration of silicates in the city water. Our RO/DI systems remove silicates initially but allow them to pass through the membrane within a couple days of putting in new filters... so essentially meaning our setups are not really effective at removing silicates.

Diatoms are usually harmless and will go away in time.

Now if it's dinoflagellates.... you got a bigger problem. Can't really tell by the pic but my guess is unfortunately, it may be dinos, not diatoms. Looks like it has a little more mass to it then diatoms... though it doesn't look snotty yet.


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I got dinos when I removed my cyanobacteria. It just took the role of consuming excess nitrates and phosphates that my reactors didn't take care of. I would much prefer cyano... it doesn't affect the corals, inverts, and fish like dinos do.

At one point in the dino battle, I thought about reintroducing cyano back into my system... that shows you my desperation at that point... someone please give me a hit of cyano in my tank!!!


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I've got a call in to a colleague at the city water department about seasonal water quality (silicates specifically). I'm just at a loss for how i can have dinos when my nutrients are so low. They definitely look more substantial than the dusting of diatoms that I've seen before. ugh, do not want to deal with this.

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Do you run your own RO water. Excess silicates will often lead to diatoms. This can happen with old filters.

Also, I used to see recurrent issues in my FW tank that I could attribute to seasonal changes in the tap water. It's possible that there is just a ton of silica compounds in the current Austin tap, and more is getting into tanks.

yeah, i just changed my sed/carbon filters about a month ago, also. TDS out is zero.

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I've got soe sort of a red slimey bloom in the sump but it doesnt come into the dt since the sump light is so old it favors that spetrum. I've had it happen before and just pulled out what I coud, changed GFO and GAC and it was gone within a week, also only fed the fish from tweezers individual bites making sure no extra food got in the water.(tip when do that is to feed the bottom dweller fish first the the water column fish, while you take food down to the bottom the water column guys will grab the ones that get away.)

another thing that seemed to help was dosng the rotifers/pods in live. They did tend to eat up a lot of any extra waste taking away the food source for the algae.

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  • 1 month later...


So I'm having difficulties with the stuff :/ It never comes off the sandbed, and reappears in 24-48 hours after i siphon off the sandbed or mix it up. I'm running GFO in a bag to pull phosphates, as my nitrates haven't been measurable in some time. ugh.

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