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Also recently moved from Killeen/Ft. Hood


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Hello Everyone, We (myself, my fiance Robert, and my kids) moved to Austin about a month ago and found this group through the Aquadome. Love that place! We have been reef keeping for a very short time (about 6-8mos) and only recently became serious about it.

Here is a lil history on our saltwater adventures: We purchased a 55 gal SW set up off of Craigslist that was in horrible shape. It came with the tank, a HOB filter, a very old Coralife PC light, rocks, and crushed coral and thats it for equipment. The live stock that was still alive was a clown, a damsel, cardinal, some tiny starfish, hermits, and about a million worms. Everything was covered in algae. Even though we had absolutely no experience with SW tanks, we figured that we couldn't do much more damage to these critters and decided to try and save it. It's been a fun and frustrating learning process with much success and failures. Since then, we added a Remora C HOB protein skimmer, a Odyessea Quad HO T5 light ( I think we have 3 X 10K and one Atinic running during the day), a Fluval canister filter, and various other equip. We also recently upgraded it from the 55 to 75 gallon.

Here is a list of the live stock we currently have (sorry if the names are wrong):

Clarkii Clownfish - he's my least favorite cuz he nips at the corals but has the most personality


Pajama Cardinal

Cleaner Shrimp

Coral Banded Shrimp

Sea Cucumber

Sea Star


Bubble Tip Anemone

A couple of leather coral, i think one is a cabbage and one is toadstool?

Several mushrooms

Green Hammer - he's not doing so great, kinda deflated but looking better today


and a couple of other kinds of coral that I got at Aquadome but forgot the name

and hermits

will be adding a CUC with snails and more hermits after the Group Buy tomorrow

We are hoping to build a sump/ refuge in the near future and possibly do an LED DIY fixture when time and money permit.

I'm so glad to have found this group and look foward to learning and making my tank awesome with your help!

Tuesday Hayden

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Thanks to the Aquadome for pointing you our way, and welcome to the club! Sounds like you've gotten your hands wet and are having fun doing it. We love to see new members jump in and speak up and we're all glad to have you here.

Take some pics and setup a thread for your tank so we can see your handiwork, and then put our monthly meetings and events on your calendar so that we can all meet up in person!

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Welcome to Austin. It is a great place.

For the corals that you have, the four T5 that you have should be fine even in the 75G tank. The ratio of three 10K bulbs to one actinic will maximize your PAR value. If you want to maximize floresance in coral, focus on blue light range. If you wanted to try some decorative macro algae in your DT, come visit my seaweed farm.

Enjoy the hobby.

La bonne temps roulee,


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Thanks for the welcomes! Hi Subsea, I actually tried to call you a couple of days ago about the waving hand. Will definately need to come out to your place sometime soon. I forgot to mention that for moonlight I'm using a couple of led kits that I got from IKEA of all places. The color is adjustable and gives a good night time glow but doesn't have enough wattage I guess to make any real difference with the main lights on. I've noticed most peoples tank have a nice calm blueish tint while mine is pretty stark white. Definately need to upgrade my lights one of these days.

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