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I have recently been havin barnacles coming up in my tank. I always had one on my sun corals but now i have about 7 or 8 in the corner where the sun corals are. Are these bad? Good? they look cool when they are out, just like eye lashes i just want to make sure they wont over run my rock or anything

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no. but it sounds like they are good, ill try and snap a pic of them. they are constantly opening and closing an look like eye lashes lol. ill try and get a pic later tonight but they sure are small and fast!

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+1 what Derrick said, "You are doing something right".

In the early 70, when at the Maritime Aademy in Galveston, I set up my first marine aquarium using crushed up oyster shells from the chicken feed store, over an undergravel filter. With a fixed income of $175 a month from the GI Bill, money was tight with no money for frills. I set up a Galveston Bay biotheme 55G tank. As I seigned in the grassbeds and picked up oyster clusters in these salt water estuaries, I came across my first barnecles to observe closely. It is with a quick steady motion that they fan water with no warning as to the frequency. Good luck on the picture. I never could keep them alive for more than 6 months with a gradual reduction in their overall population. In those days, we were happy to maintain them on a temporary basis.

You are doing something very right, if they are reproducing. As with all eco systems, a progresssion of dominant species evolves. These can be on the macro level as well as the micro level. Enjoy your view into this world.


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sorry i havent gotten a video, i cleaned my filter sock in the washer the other day and after putting it back in my tank has been doin terrible. according to the poly filter i have aluminum in my tank... anyways nothing is open and everything got super flourescent colored. never gona use the washer again on fish stuff lol. ive done 3 water changes and ill see if they are open tomorrow for a pic since everything other than softies are doin good now

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