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Sneaking purchases


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My wife refuses to do anything without me or let me do anything without her, so she's usually aware of when a purchase is made. Although, if she's at work and its one of my school days, i might possibly be guilty of sneaking in new frags. I'm definitely the money conscious one in the family, but when it comes to the tank I'm a different person.

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I'm definitely the money conscious one in the family, but when it comes to the tank I'm a different person.

Ditto here! All reason goes out the window when it comes to my tanks. I'm terrible for "investing" in the best frags/equipment I can... makes it sound like an unavoidable, smart thing to do then! :lol:

My husband isn't a good influence either. All his reasoning skills fail when it's something that will make me happy. It's the recepie for a perfect (expensive) storm!

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snuck a bc29 plus stand into my garage and quickly hid it within the shelves and pile so she wouldn't notice. Then I would set it up slowly in my "mancave/spare bedroom" where she never goes while she showers. It wasnt until I brought the fish home from work that she figured it out. Did all of it because she never liked the idea of a tank... now here I am with my 29 BC nice and happy, and she wants a bigger tank in the living room...

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Wow you snuck in a whole tank?! That's some impressive sneaking! biggrin.png

We just have one messy *** garage, it was easy to put it in the pile and she didn't even notice lol. While she was showering I put it back in the spare bedroom that only I use, she uses the other lol.

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It's always easier to ask forgiveness than permission.

@aaarrrggg: An easy way to justify spending money on good equipment is: buy it right, buy it once/I can spend $400 for the Tunze/Ecotech/Deltec/etc now, or spend $120 for the Ebay/Coralife/etc now and then $400 in 6 months for what I should have got in the first place.

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It's always easier to ask forgiveness than permission. @aaarrrggg: An easy way to justify spending money on good equipment is: buy it right, buy it once/I can spend $400 for the Tunze/Ecotech/Deltec/etc now, or spend $120 for the Ebay/Coralife/etc now and then $400 in 6 months for what I should have got in the first place.

Seems like we have been down that road a few times. Great advice Robb!!!

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haha! i like the part about getting your better half involved, by asking which stuff she likes! then buy it! so when your at work, she can go pick it up and aclimate corals for you! and after long you giver her a since of involvement, knowledge, and pride! then she dosent mind spending some good dough on the hobby! :)

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  • 1 year later...

Haha funny read!

I took the less traveled route and indoctrinated my wife to the idea of the hobby. It took years but I think I've successfully turned her into a symphatizer. Plus she would rather see me do ANYTHING than play Xbox!

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Nice read. Been guilty of a few of those. My wife is indifferent on my tanks and notices stuff but rarely brings it up because she already knows I deal primarily in the Craigslist/forum/trade market. She watches our bank like a hawk so has little to gripe about. She didn't even mention anything when I took my plain Jane 75 gallon freshwater tank and overnight put in new gravel and packed it seam to seam with plants and a new light. Granted that's cheaper than coral, and for the most part that was all free but still.

The great thing about sps frags is they're small enough to make inconspicuous and they grow so slowly, you kind of tend to accept that they've always been there and can't recall ever seeing them introduced. In a 55 gallon, new fish are alot harder. It took my wife about 2 hours to notice the royal gramma I added 6 months ago. "Hey!!! Who's this guy?"

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Well, for the most part my wife does not care, or even likes looking at the new stuff... but I do have a budget that I try to stick to, one that she knows very well, and on occasion I go over, as much as possible, she does not see that. BUT what she would not like, is then I go so far over budget that it eats into our weekly date night... those purchases I hide!

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About a year ago my wife got tired of the tank looking like crap (it's the center piece of out living room) and said, "Either do it right or get rid of it! It looks like crap!" Translation to my ears: "Buy what you need to make it right, honey." I've got no problems with that:)

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Haha my wife handles our budget... we work together so it's more than fair.

Also she is pretty good with money. When we started dating I had CC debt and spent more on cars than anything else.

Fast forward 8 years and we have no debt, just the house and cars financed. Have had 3 houses since then and have always put down large down payments, giving us great equity. Also now I won't finance anything.

Sounds funny to have somebody strict on your budget but it works. We even were able to save up and pay to have our pool put in within a year while building up savings... and she still lets me get toys like cars, tanks, etc...

Now for me it's more a battle over size and space of the tank. Also if I buy something rare and expensive that dies I might get the "I told you so" :-/

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Haha my wife handles our budget... we work together so it's more than fair.

Also she is pretty good with money. When we started dating I had CC debt and spent more on cars than anything else.

Fast forward 8 years and we have no debt, just the house and cars financed. Have had 3 houses since then and have always put down large down payments, giving us great equity. Also now I won't finance anything.

Sounds funny to have somebody strict on your budget but it works. We even were able to save up and pay to have our pool put in within a year while building up savings... and she still lets me get toys like cars, tanks, etc...

Now for me it's more a battle over size and space of the tank. Also if I buy something rare and expensive that dies I might get the "I told you so" :-/

Finance less = less interest payment = more money for other stuff

I finance stuff for one month on a credit card, and pay it off at the end of the month; avoiding any charges. Over 2 years I've put everything on that card and paid $5 in interest tongue.png (I use it for safety and for hotel points, get about a free nights stay every month.)

Not paying interest adds up quick, you just have to get into the saving and paying mode. I 100% agree! You are totally on the right track! I'm trying to kill our mortgage right now.... Then I can rest.

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Finance less = less interest payment = more money for other stuff

I finance stuff for one month on a credit card, and pay it off at the end of the month; avoiding any charges. Over 2 years I've put everything on that card and paid $5 in interest tongue.png (I use it for safety and for hotel points, get about a free nights stay every month.)

Not paying interest adds up quick, you just have to get into the saving and paying mode. I 100% agree! You are totally on the right track! I'm trying to kill our mortgage right now.... Then I can rest.

Switching from normal CC's to AMEX was the best thing ever. Have to pay it off every month. Keeps you honest, but you still get points :)

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Financing with free interest is good though. You get what you want and someone pays the interest. That's the extent of my financing. 0% on cars is awesome.

Never got 0% with cars... just 1.7% was the best sad.png

I did that on my last TV, 0 for 36 months. Paid it off in 4, but still it was a nice option smile.png

My sister financed her pool... I just can't imagine that. It was a lot of money, but at least I know it's done. My wife gives me crap about my student loans.. but hey they are at like 1%... so I don't worry about them too much. Maybe if I graduated it would be worth it lol

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