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Brooks' Seahorse Tank


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Hey ARC!

I'm itching to start another tank, but instead of just small this time, I'm going REALLY small... -10 gallons.

I really like a clean look for my tanks, and don't like being able to see equipment in the display, so I was thinking about going with this Hagen Fluval Edge 6 Gallon tank. I'm betting I could transform it into a salt water tank. Would I even need a skimmer for this size tank? I would change the lighting to a bluer spectrum, and would only be doing Pipefish and Seahorses (dwarves). And for corals most likely just chalices and acans.

Here is a link to the tank:


If anyone has a good idea for a tank for me please don't hesitate to tell me!!


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Definitely check out nano-reef.com.

If a 12 isn't too small check these out: http://www.cadlights.com/index.php?main_page=index&cPath=41. Great price including the light and an integrated rear chamber.

If you don't want the AIO tanks, ADA and Mr Aqua make great sized rimless nano tanks that are very good quality, ADA makes the highest quality tanks I have seen. Mr Aqua can be found at marine depot. ADA you can buy from: http://www.adgshop.com/. They are located in houston, so you can pick up a tank directly if you dont wan't to ship.

As far as the edge, I've heard the lighting is terrible and very difficult to upgrade. You really don't need a skimmer on tanks less than 30 or even 50 gallons from many people I've talked to. A weekly water change will provide all of the correct elements and will remove enough crap to grow SPS or anything else provided that there is enough lighting and flow in the tank.

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Cleaning them seems to be the biggest issue I've heard about.

Have you searched the nano reef forums?

Oh yeah, almost forgot.....



I saw the cleaning issue too. I don't think it'll be too big of a problem.

I can't find very many of these anywhere. They must be new-ish or something?

Also, would I even need a skimmer for 6g?

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Definitely check out nano-reef.com.

If a 12 isn't too small check these out: http://www.cadlights...index&cPath=41. Great price including the light and an integrated rear chamber.

If you don't want the AIO tanks, ADA and Mr Aqua make great sized rimless nano tanks that are very good quality, ADA makes the highest quality tanks I have seen. Mr Aqua can be found at marine depot. ADA you can buy from: http://www.adgshop.com/. They are located in houston, so you can pick up a tank directly if you dont wan't to ship.

As far as the edge, I've heard the lighting is terrible and very difficult to upgrade. You really don't need a skimmer on tanks less than 30 or even 50 gallons from many people I've talked to. A weekly water change will provide all of the correct elements and will remove enough crap to grow SPS or anything else provided that there is enough lighting and flow in the tank.

Sweet! Thanks for the links. Will mentioned the ADA tanks, but I couldn't find them so I didn't bother to keep looking! blink.gif I'm going to be looking at -10 gallons for now. This is going to be on my desk, and 12 might be fine for that as far as weight goes, but I don't have too much room for that. Which is why I was looking at the 6.

For the Edge, I'm wondering just how hard replacing the lighting is going to be. I'm not even sure what I would need... a LED of some sort? I don't know what else would be small enough to fit in the space provided.

Petco at Parmer/35 has had them recently, for $99 I think. Been out ~6 months or so I think.

You could probably get away with no skimmer, just need frequent WC.

Yeah the still have 'em at Pet-Co for $99. You reminded me that I saw them there about a week ago! :blush:

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Definitely check out nano-reef.com.

If a 12 isn't too small check these out: http://www.cadlights...index&cPath=41. Great price including the light and an integrated rear chamber.

If you don't want the AIO tanks, ADA and Mr Aqua make great sized rimless nano tanks that are very good quality, ADA makes the highest quality tanks I have seen. Mr Aqua can be found at marine depot. ADA you can buy from: http://www.adgshop.com/. They are located in houston, so you can pick up a tank directly if you dont wan't to ship.

As far as the edge, I've heard the lighting is terrible and very difficult to upgrade. You really don't need a skimmer on tanks less than 30 or even 50 gallons from many people I've talked to. A weekly water change will provide all of the correct elements and will remove enough crap to grow SPS or anything else provided that there is enough lighting and flow in the tank.

Sweet! Thanks for the links. Will mentioned the ADA tanks, but I couldn't find them so I didn't bother to keep looking! blink.gif I'm going to be looking at -10 gallons for now. This is going to be on my desk, and 12 might be fine for that as far as weight goes, but I don't have too much room for that. Which is why I was looking at the 6.

For the Edge, I'm wondering just how hard replacing the lighting is going to be. I'm not even sure what I would need... a LED of some sort? I don't know what else would be small enough to fit in the space provided.

Petco at Parmer/35 has had them recently, for $99 I think. Been out ~6 months or so I think.

You could probably get away with no skimmer, just need frequent WC.

Yeah the still have 'em at Pet-Co for $99. You reminded me that I saw them there about a week ago! :blush:

there have been people who replace the stock halogen with led's but the main issue is the fact that the light housing only covers a small portion of the tank, so you get really bad dark spots in the corners and in the front. they are also a real pain to clean.

here are some places to get great nano tanks



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Definitely check out nano-reef.com.

If a 12 isn't too small check these out: http://www.cadlights...index&cPath=41. Great price including the light and an integrated rear chamber.

If you don't want the AIO tanks, ADA and Mr Aqua make great sized rimless nano tanks that are very good quality, ADA makes the highest quality tanks I have seen. Mr Aqua can be found at marine depot. ADA you can buy from: http://www.adgshop.com/. They are located in houston, so you can pick up a tank directly if you dont wan't to ship.

As far as the edge, I've heard the lighting is terrible and very difficult to upgrade. You really don't need a skimmer on tanks less than 30 or even 50 gallons from many people I've talked to. A weekly water change will provide all of the correct elements and will remove enough crap to grow SPS or anything else provided that there is enough lighting and flow in the tank.

Sweet! Thanks for the links. Will mentioned the ADA tanks, but I couldn't find them so I didn't bother to keep looking! blink.gif I'm going to be looking at -10 gallons for now. This is going to be on my desk, and 12 might be fine for that as far as weight goes, but I don't have too much room for that. Which is why I was looking at the 6.

For the Edge, I'm wondering just how hard replacing the lighting is going to be. I'm not even sure what I would need... a LED of some sort? I don't know what else would be small enough to fit in the space provided.

Petco at Parmer/35 has had them recently, for $99 I think. Been out ~6 months or so I think.

You could probably get away with no skimmer, just need frequent WC.

Yeah the still have 'em at Pet-Co for $99. You reminded me that I saw them there about a week ago! :blush:

there have been people who replace the stock halogen with led's but the main issue is the fact that the light housing only covers a small portion of the tank, so you get really bad dark spots in the corners and in the front. they are also a real pain to clean.

here are some places to get great nano tanks



REALLY like those PicO's.


That one especially.

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reebuilders seemed to like them. i think it would be a pretty cool tank to have. if you still wanted to do pipefish and dwarfs you could do a sea grass and gorgonia bed.

you could light it with led or a 70w mh as well

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There we go. Looks perfect! :blush: Just enough room for some beautiful Acans, Chalices, Pipefish, and a rock! laugh.gif

Going to go with maybe a PAR38 for the lighting? Small, and easy to do.

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why not a 10g biocube? you know they make skimmers and upgrades and they are made for salt.i had a 6g pico it was a cool little tank. i did the halogen to 75mh home depot mod for it. i kept shrooms and had a torch in it and a little crab and a goby in it till i broke it down.

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ive seen the edge, the pet store by my house them, they look pretty diff to mod to salt i thought about that for my bedroom. then i thought i would do a freshwater planted tank. never did it. but i still want a frsh water planted tank they look so cool.

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The Pico branded aquariums are quite nice, and they come with the pump and equipment to get the back section running. Using a fluval edge has certainly been done, but to get coral-supporting lighting in that hood you really need an LED setup. I believe nanocustoms sells a DIY led retrofit for the edge.... I've also seen a fluval edge NPS tank which looks absolutely awesome.

The key to going skimmerless is frequent water changes (at least once a week) and not overfeeding.

I've actually got a 7.5G Mr. Aqua tank (from marine depot?) which is a nice sleek rimless option - though it is not an AIO. The nice thing about this tank is that it's 18" long so you can use some normal sized fixtures and there's space in the back for a HOB filter converted to a fuge or even a HOB skimmer.

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Remember if you get dwarf seahorses, they eat ONLY BBS...you'll be hatching on a daily basis like me.... :doh:

WELCOME BACK!!! or thought of.... :blush:

Hatching Baby Brines O_O? Or hatching baby seahorses?! :D :D :D

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ive seen the edge, the pet store by my house them, they look pretty diff to mod to salt i thought about that for my bedroom. then i thought i would do a freshwater planted tank. never did it. but i still want a frsh water planted tank they look so cool.

I've always wanted a 125 gal freshwater planted with a school of about 20 cardnial tetras, and a nice good size piece of driftwood.

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DROOL, that would be so cute, those edge tanks are beautiful, except for there size, they even have a little heater designed for it. I dont know about cleaning but the biggest complaint I've had on it is that the stock halogen has to be replaced so often because of water splashing. And there right about nano-reef, they have so much info for gal 1 to 29, and no, according to them you don't have to keep a skimmer, i didn't have one for 2 years on my 10g and never reached more then 5 ppm on nitrates.

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