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when i get outta Hospital?


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so i have a question, would some of my friends be interested in coming buy one weekend when i get outta here to help me do my water change? i think the dosing thing i can do but moving the 5 gallon buckets isnt gonna be easy for me. I can walk anyone threw how i do it, and its not that hard. Just thought id ask in advance? Dont wanna sound needy but any help would be gratefuly appreciated.

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I'm only a neighborhood away and work from home. Just give a call when you need help. You got my number. And... I already have frags of most of your stuff and have plenty of percocet leftover from my hand surgery, so frags and meds are safe.


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coll guy i knew i could count on yall, i think i may get outta here friday, i had an issue with tank today and lost my mystery wrasse, no flow in tank for i dont know how long, couldhv been 12-24 hrs with out flow. everythings back on now except the 400s. The chiller went out which poped the breaker running all the pumps and power heads, my brother got it fixed. Im gonna have to buy a new chiller and have already set that up with Hydro. Man so much all at once and to know that i cant do any work when i get home. just be a foreman. itll be fine with all the helping hands here. I will offer some frags to those called to help within reason. There is alot of trimming i need to do but then again i cant do that either. it will hv to be an IOU till i can. this may sound corny but I love everyone of yall who have stood by me when i need a helping hand. Ill let everyone know when i get home.

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Sorry to hear about your wrasse....Are you sure its dead? It really bites, just when you're not around, something goes wrong......at least everything else made it. And now that you're all patched up :D...you'll be home in no time. Take care y'all.

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Jeremy I'm offering help for whatever don't need any frags just want to help you out. I know you would be first in line to do the same for anyone else. You are an awesome guy, I'm glad I met you and it will be a pleasure to look at your tank, I mean help you. Lasagna will be in freezer by Sunday. To that end I just saw that smoked guda is on sale.

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The chiller should be here by Monday, I hope so at least b/c I'm leaving on Tuesday to go to California for a week. The chiller will be in Austin at my friends business in case I'm gone, hopefully someone can pick up and install for you if after Tuesday

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  • 2 months later...

Ok today i go back to Ortho-Surgeon for my 3mnth check-up to see how its healed and MAYBE just maybe get off these crutches. Wish me luck. Here is a pic i havnt posted yet and thought yall might like to see how severe it was. Thats a 5" and 6" titanium screw.

post-395-006400400 1285592386_thumb.jpg

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