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Non photosynthetic corals


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Here is my problem- They become a chore to feed. Dendros arent supposed to be too hard. I like to feed the fish, not too big on having to feed the corals. There are some cool colored dendros floating around nowadays. The white ones are my favorite.

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here is a little something you can strive for

Nice! I love the non-photo corals. I have a small clump of sun coral tucked away in my tank, and have some great places to put some other non-photo's.

There was a specialty non-photo tank on nano-reef that was really cool. Let me see if I can find the link. Here it is.

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I had some sun coral and for a little while was baby sitting GrimReefers dendros. I like both of them, especially the dendros (which would open regularly during the day), but I soon grew tired of the novelty of spot feeding, especially when I had to do the top of a plastic soda bottle thing, to keep everyone else from stealing from them. I can definitely see how Gonzos idea of a species tank would make good sense in that regard. Wow and just think of the money you wouldn't have to spend on lighting.


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Yeah, feeding is the big catch. My plan is to run a 40 breeder as a sump / fuge for a 3 gallon display in order to supplement a more 'normal' feeding schedule. I have also been following a couple of DIY threads on continuous feed devices to see if this might be a reasonable option.

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