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Everything posted by mhart032

  1. No! i want my red sea or nothing!! j/k i need to order some. i dont believe their is a huge price difference b/t RCA and Dr. fosters, and marine depot charges a $15.00 added shipping fee on top so i wont but from their.
  2. ) rosslonghorns 2) Gonzobob 3) Mitch 4) Manhorsedog 5) chrisfowler99 6) Eckreef 7) Zarathustra 2 8) Bmwaaron 9) LiLS 10)Mhart032
  3. mhart032


    you dont have to have them in a bag, they will breakdown..
  4. mhart032

    MH goodies

    they are all single ended right?
  5. Yea its strange. i dont get it. but now that i think about it your right it was right below your torch..
  6. Yea its the same nem. i just worry cause he follows the torch around i moved the torch to the other side of the tank and he founf his way over their the same about 3 inches from it. why would he follow it?
  7. Reflectors are 72" i cant use them. but i think i can use my icecap for my t-5s.. so just the ballast and maybe the bulbs..
  8. Dustin, i can run 4 36" VHOs off the 660 correct? also what needs repaired on it? if i can run 4 36" vhos off it like i think and its nothing to bad to fix ill take it the refelectors and maybe the bulbs..figure if i dont endup liking the VHOs i can always use it to over drive my t5s
  9. yea hes a big beliver is the VHOs i was suprised to see them when i stopped by. his store is super clean and that cool. love the seating area too.. wish the corals would come faster tho..
  10. Ok, i will do that. i just hope the nem will quite following it around..
  11. mhart032


    i love that ep. but good advice mark.. yay 4 no damsels or fish to die..
  12. mhart032


    With the shrimp thing, the bigger the tank the more you should add like if i were to do a 90 id put 2 shrimp in it.. please dont add any live fish or anything in it till the cycle is done. harming fish is just sad, people add damsels to their tank to help cycle but it truly is killing them, some servive but most die, and not to mention damsels are mean and hard to catch when you want them out..
  13. I always setup mine from left to right 1st chamber is return and skimmer the skimmer flows into the second chamber then goes through the bubble trap to the return chamber with the pump.. i bubble trap should go right before the pump. atleast thats how i always had it..
  14. mhart032


    Go to HEB and just get a single table shrimp toss it in it will kick start your cycle.. just a raw non frozen shrimp..
  15. I have a newish nem that has founf his place in the rock, it is right next to this big piece of torch my question is will they get along in the long run? i tried moving the torch but the nem seemed to follow it i didnt move it far just a about 8 inchs away and the nem moved closer to it again.. will they harm eachother?
  16. I kinda figured id need a better reflector its just a hello lights retro kit are the ones i have. i do like the icecap reflectors i have with the t5s their nice.. ill look into that i like sps but i cant get them to do well in this tank. a couple are doing ok but some bleach then come back then start to bleach again.. it drives me crazy.i wished i would have kept the 150watt i bought from you a wile back. id run that and the 250 vs 2 250s
  17. If i could do it all over again.. i would have went with VHO and just 1 250MH i dont really care much for the t-5s i think i would have used 6 VHOs and just 1 250MH. i can tell you this 2 250w MH makes the tank extremely hot i cant run both of mine without the tank getting over 81 in just a couple hrs.. im going to try and see if i can use the PC`s im getting hopefully today and see if their is a difference in how my corals react i dont think they like the t-5s they strive under my corallife 250 and pc fixture when i had my 42g but now they arnt doing as well.. not to mention the PC lights use less energy than the t-5s have you seen axtryans 125g? he is using 10 t-5s i think and his tank is pretty nice and getting very good sps growth.. its cool to see his tank its like everything is giant because he has very nice colony's and a very large nem.. its nice im shooting for that in the long run. just a couple options and my .02
  18. What bulbs are in the pc fixture? Eaither way 30 bucks for 190watts is a good price and I'll taken them
  19. I'll take the pc fixture off your hands
  20. Just have then make why you want in the pink..haha
  21. That's a fantastic idea!! I will do that..
  22. Dont care about the money, just about the fish and shrimp. if they would be better off that way then ill do that..
  23. Still no wrasse its not looking good for the pistol. i hate to get rid of him cause he is cool but at the same time i cant keep anything in the tank abut the same size or smaller. im still wondering if the goby should go with him as they are paired i dont want to lose her but i dont want her to get stressed out cause she cant find the shrimp either. i have done tons of searching and have come up empty..
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