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Everything posted by mhart032

  1. They are in my hood sitting in my living room... i dont think their is anything left. i contacted about the skimmer with no luck..
  2. I use Red sea Pro. i like it. i get good reading with it my calcium has never stayed over 400 with IO witch i used to buy mixed from the LFS. not to mention it mixes fast and i havent seen and let over residual in the buckets after the mix. i have heard some salt brands will leave this white residue. also when using the LFS IO mixed i was having a diatoms problem but i think that was from the ro they used.. Red Sea has been the only brand i have mixed myself. its pretty decent price for the salt and its a good salt ill stay with it. i know their are many choices out their. i have heard some people are completely in love with Tropic Marine..
  3. It sold, its sitting in my living room...
  4. I took a sample to RCA and everything is good. i think i was getting a false reading from my test kit. everything is pretty balanced (sigh of relief) so i brought home a 6 line wrasse haha. he such a cool little dude he just cruses the tank and doesn't seem to worry about anything! very cool fish.. i think the goby thinks she is queen of the tank though she has to check everything out followed under the new wrasse for a good solid 15 mins. it was quite entertaining. think she just wanted to make sure the new fish wasn't going to mess with the pistol. shes very protective over that shrimp, i believe that's why the engineer goby was picked on so hard.. hes doing well in axtryans tank saw him the other day hes made a home..
  5. its just a 10g tank right? why dont you get a 5g container and a small overflow and make a sump? it would give you 5g more total water volume witch would be good. and you can put a decent skimmer in the sump. i have seen 5g square containers. i bet you could find one at the container store that you can put smaller containers into and you wouldnt have to mod anything.. you could dump it right down into the sump and pump it right back out after the skim. thats what i would do. specialy because of the 5g more total volume.. As for nano skimmers i havent heard anything about them. could you make a biocube or jbj nano skimmer work?
  6. Mite shoot John an email at [email protected] and ask him.. hes super cool and will help..
  7. Good luck finding something you dont have.. lol you guys got pretty much everything..
  8. this is a good read up on it. its a small tutorial aswell http://glassbox-design.com/2008/achieved-through-observation-and-experimentation/
  9. well color looks to be retuning to some peices.. thanks for the advice
  10. i did i forgot to mention that.. i only have pumps on..but that is good advice. you never know what reaction the carbon would have on it.. may kill it may not..
  11. i did a 10g change it dropped the ammonia to just a trace. i dosed more stability reco amount and i turned my skimmer off. i should have done that lastnight. but i wasnt thinking about it. im sure i just skimmed all stability out of the tank over night.. so i thought i better turn it off. i now have 30g ready and waitting. also their is no traces of ammonia in my ro or my mixed saltwater..
  12. i mix my own saltwater and i have an ro/di
  13. Well things are getting worse. im basicly waitting for the bomb to drop. i cant keep my ammonia down. i did a 20g water change on thurs and it went down to 0 now its back up to .50 everything is wrong.. my nitrates are high and i have 0 nitrites it looks as thought it wants to do a full cycle. i added seachems stability lastnight. should i do another water change i need to and i want to i have 20g ready and im mixing 10 more now.. i tested my ammonia this morning and it was .50
  14. Im looking for some orange zoas 7-10
  15. the diatoms is part of the cycle they will burn off. it takes some time and a good cleanup crew from www.reefcleaners.org will help keep it under control. have john make you a custom cleanup crew you wont regret it. you wont be able to stop it but you can at least keep it under control.
  16. Radioactive Zoanthids (Zoanthus sp.) 7 polyp frag: $ 34.99 ORA Blue Voodoo Staghorn (Acropora sp.) Size: 1.25" - 1.5" $ 29.99 Green Montipora Digitata (montipora digitata) Size: 1"-1.75" Frag $ 18.99 Dandelion Zoanthids (Zoanthus sp.) 8-10 polyp frag: $28.99 $112.96 ill see what else they have the week of in the specials..
  17. cracking would be my fear. Jakes closed loop cracked between the drill holes in the bottom a RCA. it happends that easy. i dont know if they ever found out why. i dont think i would risk it..
  18. Ok I moved them down but I move the lower
  19. this is what i get An Error Occurred Sorry, an error occurred. If you are unsure on how to use a feature, or don't know why you got this error message, try looking through the help files for more information. [#107140] Sorry, but you do not have permission to use this feature. If you are not logged in, you may do so using the form below if available. Useful Links
  20. Nah thats where i looked..
  21. mhart032


    well good news. my shrimp made it through the night. it seems the pistol and left them be for the time being. or maybe he cant catch them.. i dunno i saw all 4 this morning swimming around. one made a home right where i wanted him too right in the middle of the aptasia..
  22. welp i slept on it and have thought about it pretty hard and im going to give this Vodka doseing a try.. i have seen the results of it and if i can get results like that from a $15 bottle of vodka its worth a shot. i have seen the results of doseing vodka and they are good very good from what i saw. i dont have much to kill if it all goes south its not like my sps are doing great right now anyway lol, and if it does welp gives me a good reason to go on a coral shopping spree.
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