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Everything posted by muddybluewater

  1. Thanks Laura and Seahorsejl. With the new tank the addiction is really taking hold again. I had been fighting it off fairly well but all this new space is getting to me.
  2. Nice set up, I am very impressed.
  3. I have never seen a tank like this. I found the pic on another site.
  4. I have about 6' cords between my icecap ballasts and the mogel base with out any problem. I also have the older ballasts.
  5. Are you alright? Was that before I saw you at the store?
  6. Welcome, ask questions before you buy it will save you money. I agree with bigger is easier.
  7. Very cool. I have never heard of it before. That's what I love about saltwater there is always something new or different to see and learn.
  8. I wish you would have posted this yesterday, I just bought one from RCA.
  9. Thanks, Derry. Nice to meet you.
  10. I hate conflicts with neighbors, happy to hear everything has worked out.
  11. In my tank I used 160 # of CC(3-4" on average). The tank I just moved from had CC in it for 14 years with no problems. I would not use anything else. As for leaving it out of the tank I think you will start to see die off fairly quickly. The smell will probably tell you the most, But any one buying sand(CC) like this should expect to have to wash it anyway.
  12. I would like one and can pick up later today.
  13. All I have is the picture of it. I did not know what it was and did not move it to the new tank. The larger portion was about 1 1/4" the smaller was about 1 3/4". It used the smaller to dig and pull its self back under the sand. I learned a saying from a friend on another forum, When in doubt get it out. It was probably safe to keep but I was not sure.
  14. I have seen "Spies like us" a few times also.
  15. Are you quoting Dan Ackroyd on that one?
  16. I found this in the sand bed when I was moving from my 45 to the 120g. I have no idea what it is or how long it has been in the tank. The 45 was set up originally in 1995 so there has been a lot go through the tank in that much time.
  17. looks good, I would definitely use some epoxy or attach the rocks together some how
  18. I ran mine for a week outside with fresh water then brought it in and had 2 very small leaks on the spa hose to pvc joints.
  19. I would be guaranteed 2-3 leaks with that many fittings. Looks good.
  20. I need some, would give you a pink birds nest frag for it but can't pick up until fri or sat.
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