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Everything posted by muddybluewater

  1. Welcome, Please ask questions too many people jump in to the hobby and don't. They spend way to much money buying things twice. We are happy to help and look forward to you being here.
  2. A water softener will remove the calcium but that is about it. Everything else (that you don't want) stays in the water.
  3. I know that the last group buy I did( through a different forum) we had to have it in by Fri. before but Andrew was going out of town so that might have been the dif. Either way I thought he needed it before the day it starts.
  4. When did Andrew need the list for this to happen this week?
  5. Pug do you have everyones email address that coresponds to their BRS acct? If anyone doesn't have a BRS.acct they need to go to the site and do it. It is quick and easy. So we are a go for Tues.? BTW I am sending you a pm with mine.
  6. Hey peeps, I just bought two of the 2 part kits a couple weeks ago. I have been using Bionic 2 part daily, BRS's product is just as good but a lot cheeper. Test your kh, ca,mag and ph as you dose for a few days to determine how much you need to maintain Kh( I keep my dKh at about 10) and your ph will remain stable at about 8.4. After about a week I quit testing daily and only test once every week or 2. You only add mag once a week. Buy the kit that raises ph( recipe 1). I have not used the reef chili. I think their rox 08 carbon is the best on the market if you need carbon. JMO
  7. Looks great. I like the rock work. One of these days I would like to come by and see the whole set up.
  8. I Andrew would let us slide with 8 if you asked him, if we can not get 10. Are we at 7 now or who is actually in?
  9. You have all week to order. Just order by the 5th and you are good. I don't know about the specials.
  10. I can not find anyone on any forums that say to use well water. They all say stay away from it. I saw several that say not to use distilled water because of the possibility of copper coils used in the stills. The consensus in the hobby is to use ro/di water. I believe in it and would not recommend anything else. When you set up a reef you have too much invested in it to take a chance with anything else. You can buy a 6 stage ro/di unit online for around $100. It will pay for it's self in a few months in just the savings in salt.
  11. You can fix that by putting mirrors on the bottom and run a BB tank.
  12. Sand first. I didn't want the rock directly on the glass.
  13. On what mike said, I have never heard of cuc being counted when figuring bio load. I thought it was figured on the based on the fish. Also your tds will never be low in saltwater. Well water will start off with a tds of 350-400 (this is just an estimate) and then you dissolve salt into it making the tds raise even more.
  14. Coralife 2x 96w remote pc ballast $40
  15. You can keep montipora digitata and pink birdsnest but most others are going to need MH or T5 HO.
  16. The 10k's are at about the end of their useful life. The higher the K the slower the growth will be, but you should get better color with the higher K.
  17. It is a measure of the purity of the water. Lower the better.
  18. Take some water in to one of the lfs and have it tested if you want but there really isn't a reason. My water at my house comes from wells the TDS ( total desolved solids) is about 250. After ro/di filter 000.
  19. When You checked the well water did you ckeck for posphates, hard metals and what was the TDS. Many people recomend 50% weekly water changes without a skimmer.
  20. I think you have answered all your problems. Use ro/di water and do 10% water changes weekly or 20% biweekly. Turbo snails will take care of the HA, but have a tendancy to knock things over. Probably 6-7 in the 55 and 3-4 in the 29
  21. You could definitely run a DSB in your fuge. It works very well and many people have great results.
  22. Is that what the premium memberships go to? Looks nice
  23. +1 on the vacuum and nassarius. If you want to add more sand, add no more than 1/2" at a time over old sand bed. I would not add more than every couple weeks.
  24. Thanks, I hope to be able to move it inside in the next week or so.
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