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Everything posted by JimD

  1. Looks very much like Acropora solitaryensis..
  2. JimD

    BTA spawning

    Ive had many anemonies do that, they seem to crave a cigarette and a cold beer afterwards. Make sure to run carbon and a partical filter if you have one, I had an anemone 'event' that wiped out a 100+ head Frogspawn before I could get to it..
  3. Although it might work, it may cause problems on down the road. I would think that it would be absorbed by the rock and sandbed if you have one and slowly release back causing abnormal fish behavior. Even with large water changes youd only be diluting the oil and I suspect it would take some time to be completely gone. Ive had tremedous luck controling Ich by O2 deprivation, raising the temerature will hinder its ability to thrive, feeding well along with good water perameters will usualy help, maybe even the temporary use of a good UV sterilizer.
  4. Brett, I have a couple of 150 watt de bulbs, one Ushio 10k and a Phoenix 14k if you want to try to part things together,.
  5. Any particular flavor? I have a used Ushio 20k...
  6. JimD

    SPS ?

    Google 'Vermetid snail' it looks like there might be one in the vacinity of the coral causing the slime...
  7. Are those pics under actinics? Be nice to see them with a little daylight... Is that blue lemonade A. Nasuta?
  8. JimD


    Possibly for sale, $325 pm for info... Serious only please...
  9. JimD


    Anyone have some spare? I need to mix up a batch and I cant seem to find mine... Preferably south...
  10. JimD

    egg crate

    I have several pieces of different sizes, let me know...
  11. If the controller is in working condition, Ill take these if theyre still available... Pm sent.
  12. JimD


    Huh??? Alrighty then!
  13. JimD


    Zero inches, sandbed only in the refugium...
  14. There seems to be a few players here, cool. I own a full blown ProTools recording studio in south Austin, anyone interested in putting a project together??? I play Yamaha drums, studios equipped with a Fender Twin, Hartke bass rig and averything else needed to make sweet music and put it on CD including an array of pro LDC and cardioid mics.... Sorry to hijack...
  15. Ive had my MP40W running for going on four months now with zereo problems. I spoke with Steve at Eco tech support about the issues that some seem to be having, his response was that there was a batch of bearings that made it into some pumps that were inferior cusing the units to fail. I suggest that if you feel youre having problems, call him and supply the units serial number so he can help resolve any issues. I woulnt trade my MP40 for all the Tunzes in the world!
  16. Looks like it, theyre not cheap though.. http://www.aquadirect.com/store/product.php?productid=18887&cat=0&page=179
  17. Thick mouse pads work great for this... Cheap too... The blue styro I believe would be too rigid.
  18. Is the controller functional?
  19. JimD

    Feed Pump

    No sump, no return, probably try the Aqualifter... Thanks...
  20. You want to measure the effluent Ph either in the reactor or a seperate cantainer that the effluent feeds into, not the tank although you shouls also be moniroring the tank Ph as well. I feed the effluent into a small cantainer that holds the probe and the effluent tube placed inside my skimmer...
  21. I have a Tunze 3110/2 that would be perfect for that tank...
  22. JimD

    Tunze Skimmer

    Got this skimmer that I was gonna use but decided to 86 the project... Up yo 50 gallons.. $85... http://images.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://www.aquarist-classifieds.co.uk/php/image/388.jpg&imgrefurl=http://www.aquarist-classifieds.co.uk/php/detail.php%3Fcat%3D59%26de%3D788&usg=__6wt_0AXiVyxud0eTZILaGbw7Uis=&h=510&w=639&sz=25&hl=en&start=1&um=1&tbnid=K59Ifucg2fJcMM:&tbnh=109&tbnw=137&prev=/images%3Fq%3Dtunze%2B3110/2%2Bskimmer%26hl%3Den%26sa%3DN%26um%3D1
  23. JimD

    Feed Pump

    Thanks, if you can remember the model on that Ehiem, Id like to check it out. Do you have it free flowing or throttled down?
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