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Everything posted by Rjohn

  1. Mine perked up after I started adding Kalkwasswer and Aragonite to my top off water reservois (not together).
  2. Has anyone seen the videos of the giant jellyfish they are seeing off the coast of Japan? Try this one. [/url]
  3. From Mama's post, I'd guess the Blue Velvet is out for me. I have some flatworms and my 6-line wrasse is co-existing with them peacefully. I don't seem to have a lot of them but they do seem to be multiplying a bit. Do these things cause problems? If so, what kind?
  4. what size pump did it have on it?
  5. Gallery still does saltwater, kinda pricey though. I think Kathy is one of the best information sources around. Partners is still there as well but they seem to be consolidating or reducing their SW tanks. I really don't like pet stores that sell puppies.
  6. Two issues I think need to be addressed: 1) There needs to be a way for sick people to get help other than an emergency room. Emergency rooms are for people that are dying or severely injured, not for people with the flu. However a lot of people show up there cause they no other access to medical care. This passes the costs onto the hospital and indirectly to everybody. 2) If students take government funds for medical school, then after completion, they should have to spend X number of years in government service. There are a lot of areas, particularly out west where doctors are hundreds of miles apart. Putting in government clinics staffed by doctors and nurses working off their student loans would alleviate a lot of this problem. Also, I am not sure the government should be paying for dermatologists and other specialty areas.
  7. Hamp, if by "carboy" you mean a 5 gallon glass water bottle, I have a couple I can let go for $20 each. They are dusty from sitting in the garage but a little bleach water will clean them up just fine. I used them for home brewing, which I don't really do anymore. Let me know.
  8. I really think this is not an appropriate forum for this discussion. It belongs on talk radio.
  9. Just as an aside, the US is by definition a republic. The voters select representatives who run the government for them. However, this is not strictly true. In actuality, the US is an oligarchy. We are ruled by the rich. At last count, 237 members of Congress and 100 members of the Senate are at the least millionaires. Some of them are much more wealthy than that. What does it say when the mayor of New York City spends 100 million dollars of HIS own money in his finance campaign? The Austin mayor and council members regularly spend in excess of 2 million dollars EACH to gain a seat in the Austin City Council. Our political system is flawed and skewed heavily in favor of the wealthy, but it is still the best thing going out there. With the checks and balances built into the our government, nothing is EVER permanent, except taxes. Wait a while, everything will change.
  10. From aquahub, I bought a switching unit so that if the water gets too high in my sump, it cuts off the pump. Look at aquahub.com.
  11. Rjohn

    Xenia issues

    My xenia also seems very sensitive to flow. If they aren't getting enough, they stop pumping and their color darkens. I changed my K2 pump direction just a little and they perked up almost immediately.
  12. I think this is a scam. Ignore it, IMHO.
  13. I just picked up a 55 gallon acrylic aquarium with stand, light, and some miscellaneous freshwater stuff from Goodwill for $50. It has the standard freshwater undergravel filter. Would it be at all effective if it used water instead of air? Just curious.
  14. I bought mine from aquapod.com. They work excellently and were quite reasonable.
  15. The gorilla nips are opening up already. Very nice. The new 265 gallon tank is gorgeous. We really enjoyed talking to both of you. Thanks again!
  16. I wasn't worried - I was hoping. I had some of these until I bought a spiny box puffer. I was worried cause the puffer wouldn't eat anything. Then I noticed all my starfish, crabs, and snails had disappeared. THEN he started eating mysis and frozen brine. I was hoping to get some little starfish going again. They never caused me a problem that I was aware of.
  17. Laura, did I get any of the starfish?
  18. I have a Niger trigger that has drawn blood a few times. He isn't afraid of anything. One day he is gonna bite me and I'll give him the hammer treatment.
  19. 1) My water quality has improved marginally, I think. 2) I just started running a skimmer again. 3) Still waiting (and hoping) for better results. Seems like my algae "crashed" maybe. It seems to be regrowing now. Jeez, how good a reefer can I be if I can't grow algae?
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