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Everything posted by johnoburns

  1. johnoburns

    RR tank

    Tonya has a 45 and 46 gallon for sale. I'm not sure if they are RR.
  2. johnoburns


    reef_pug has some for sale. I just stopped by his place and they look pretty cool.
  3. What happened to that fancy HD camera?
  4. I have noticed tons of snail eggs also. The eggs started about 4 weeks ago. I see new eggs every 2-3 days. I haven't seen any babies yet, but I read it takes 2-4 weeks for them to hatch.
  5. Please give us information on the tank where he is currently. Try to minimize his stress in order to help his natural immune system. Tips to minimize stress. 1 Don't move him much more unless necessary. 2 Put some CLEAN/new pvc pipe (this would be very large pvc if the puffer is large) in the tank for him to hide in and feel safe. 3 Try to make sure tank conditions like temperature are stable and within 76-78 degrees. You could also try dosing with Kent Marine’s Marine-C vitamin supplement might help boost his immune system as well. Doing a google search I found this site on pufferfish which probably has a lot more helpful information. http://www.thepufferforum.com/forum/
  6. I got a lead that this is a parasitic copepod eggsac. I was also sent this link to confirm http://www.wetwebmedia.com/crustdisfaqs1.htm see topic Re: Fish Parasite 12/14/06. The treatment, as advised by Bob Fenner, is to remove them with tweezers. I'm going to sleep on the advice and try it tomorrow around 7pm. If anyone has any tips or ideas please let me know soon. If not I will post the results of the removal.
  7. I agree on them being to large to be itch. Leaves me wondering what it might be though... I'm thinking of posting this a few other places and see if someone recognizes it.
  8. Did more research and not thinking it is ich anymore. I think it maybe gill fluke??? Here is a picture. What do YOU think it may be and how should I treat it?
  9. Has anyone tried using this therapy/treatment? I came across an article on Advanced Aquarist Online that talks about Hyposalinity Therapy http://www.advanceda...om/2007/6/fish. It goes through several benefits of this therapy, one being treating ich. I think I may have a fish with ich, although I'm not certain yet. I'm considering this therapy if it is ich. There are some large white spots on a purple firefish I have. He seems to be eating and behaving just like the other firefish I have. I'll try and post pictures later. Looking for advise on confirming ich and also on treatment. Thanks.
  10. I have been using Lugol's for all of my coral dips. I started a poll on another site to see what other people were using. Lugol's seemed to be pretty popular for everything, but there were other treatments as well. This is a summary of what people were using. Zoas - Lugol's and BiFuran (Furan2) LPS - Lugol's and Flatworm Exit SPS - Lugol's, Interceptor, and Levasol (Pig and Sheep Wormer) Fish - UV on the main tank. Check for overall health before adding.
  11. johnoburns

    Free Live Sand

    I'm interested too.
  12. johnoburns

    --new here!

    Welcome to ARC Jessica. I am going to be moving some things from a 24 gallon nano-cube to another tank later this month. I'm probably going to sell the nano-cube, although I haven't decided for sure yet (I may keep it as a frag tank). Aside from equipment, the nano-cube will be empty.
  13. I second the dipping everything. I've seen some pretty nasty things from some of my recent dips. I would use this as a great time minimize pests you have in your tank and make sure you don't get new ones.
  14. Man that stinks. It might be worth trying to keep your tank on a schedule though. Some corals can be pretty tough. I bought/rescued 3 corals from a guy who flea bombed his apt. His tank looked crazy and so did the corals. The corals looked horrible when I got them but 2 of the 3 are looking great now. The one that didn't make it I put on myself though. It was a chili coral on a huge rock that I had to set up a separate tank for and neglected. Sorry for the long story, just wanted to say there is always hope. Also, I can give you a frag or two when you get back.
  15. Good addition to a damsel tank .
  16. I've got a thick lipped wrasse and small hippo tang that swim around the tank together. Jake had 2 small hippo tangs last weekend (not sure if they are still there).
  17. I used coral clippers to cut mine. I made sure it withdrew completely into the skeleton before cutting. I didn't have any liquid shoot out at me, but safety glasses would probably be best. I had two small containers of saltwater near by when fragging. One to rinse the coral and the other let it recover for about 10 min in before adding it back to main tank.
  18. johnoburns


    Welcome to ARC. My advise would be to go to the next meeting. There is a lot more variety in saltwater than in freshwater, and a lot more to think about. If you can figure out what you want to in your tank (livestock) it can help out a lot as far as what you will need to get.
  19. They are fun because they are small enough to put anywhere. The downside is you are limited on fish you can put in there. You must put a very small fish in them, like a Catalina goby, Yasha goby, or Panda Goby. Anything with a max size under or close to an inch. River City had one setup with 2 fish but don't remember what they were. Jake can probably help you out there. My deco kit isn't set up right now and might consider selling it.
  20. One thing you might consider is getting one on the next vivid order. They guarantee them for 15 days after arrival.
  21. The ice seems like a good idea. You could also do the evaporate cooling in conjunction, I don't think it would effect the salinity too much. I'm assuming you have a powerhead to mix the salt which will also help keep a consistent temperature in the mixture. You might take notes and see how long it takes to lower the temperature and how much ice to use. It is not critical, but it is good to know what kind of window you are working with for getting the new saltwater in your tank.
  22. 75g tank Compact Florescence 9am - 9pm MH 10am - 8pm 24g tank MH10:30am - 10:30pm
  23. Fragging them is pretty easy, and they have a good reputation of being pretty hardy after fragging.
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