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Status Replies posted by mcallahan

  1. Anyone know the price on an all glass or equivalent 90g - 48lx18wx24h at any LFS?

  2. Baby napping, gallery upgraded.

  3. Got a Cannondale road bike. Have been going up and down parmer mostly, but need a buddy to ride with.

  4. Got a Cannondale road bike. Have been going up and down parmer mostly, but need a buddy to ride with.

  5. Any dentists around here?

  6. Need a tank with a cyano issue.

  7. Need a tank with a cyano issue.

  8. i have a project due for school tomrrow, and now my tank is leaking and my bulkhead is cracked..... what shoul di do?

  9. If Obama vetos the extension our military will be without pay!

  10. UPS comes today......

  11. just went to the California Academy of Sciences!! if you havent been, I highly recommend you go. its one of the coolest places I have been to.

  12. I'm.... a cheerleader....?

  13. Thoughts of joining my 135g & 240g through a shared sump, dancing through my head.

  14. is wondering why I have to study nursing theory.

  15. is wondering whatever happened to Rjohn (Rick).

  16. wondering how long the economy is going to last B4 the dollar isnt the world currency of choice?

  17. wondering why biochem is necessary, and if so why taking a test on it is necessary, and if so why it has to be tomorrow

  18. wondering why biochem is necessary, and if so why taking a test on it is necessary, and if so why it has to be tomorrow

  19. They should pass a law requiring all online coral sales be WYSIWYG.

  20. Apparently, in every other reef forum, up is really down, black is really white, hot is really cold, etc....ughh. If we only had so many experts working on the US economy.

  21. After party with the ReefBuilders crew and several industry notables.

  22. Going to be moving here in a few months. gonna miss you guys!! Ill be back in a few years tho :)

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