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Status Replies posted by mcallahan

  1. This time last year, it was Jan 17th.

  2. My JETS won....but I'm physically/emotionally exhausted!

  3. Sell me your Ducati. Cash positive, low on Ducati's. Need more. Please be as serious with your offer as I am to buy.

  4. Happy to have my stunners working again.

  5. Just got word I'll be giving a workshop @ the Marine Aquarium Expo in Los Angeles April 2-3! Awesome!

  6. Just got word I'll be giving a workshop @ the Marine Aquarium Expo in Los Angeles April 2-3! Awesome!

  7. T minus 26 days.

  8. T minus 26 days.

  9. T minus 26 days.

  10. 400w halides in place!

  11. 400w halides in place!

  12. Must resist purchases..must...resist..

  13. Must resist purchases..must...resist..

  14. absolutely hates being a landlord.

  15. My firs tank running off of LED's. Yay!

  16. It seems like i am always buying something for my tank.....

  17. Been one HELL of a Monday...

  18. Considering trading more difficult corals for the sake of instant gratification...

  19. Happy dance, Ecoxotic is shipping me two new transformers!

  20. I need to film a dirty tank. Who has one?

  21. Oh... cant wait till the 21st.. we get to find out if we are expecting baby boy #3 or baby GIRL #1!!! prayin for girl but most of all prayin for healthy!!!!

  22. Added a McCosker's flasher wrasse 36 hours ago, still alive. Just finished two batches of homemade cheese, both turned out. Today is a good day.

  23. Need some sorta LED or T5 actinic lighting to supplement my MH 14k 250W, any ideas?

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