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Status Replies posted by mcallahan

  1. needs more real estate in tank, got 2 rock to go in but gotta sell candycanes 1st

  2. Standing back tucks have been mastered. Standing full, here I come.

  3. Planning my upgrade to 90g reef.

  4. Laid eyes on an electric orange scolly. Hottest one I've ever seen. Not for sale tho!

  5. Laid eyes on an electric orange scolly. Hottest one I've ever seen. Not for sale tho!

  6. flame angle + overflow tube = dead fish and wet floor:( what a day

  7. Picking up new 125 today. Crap, now what to do I do. Thought I was going to have more time to plan this out.

  8. thinks she may have to take down her tanks :(

  9. It's National Margarita Day! Happy NMD!

  10. rock work shifted a good 1" today. Tomorrow is rebuild day.

  11. rock work shifted a good 1" today. Tomorrow is rebuild day.

  12. Fixing to kill aiptasia

  13. Fixing to kill aiptasia

  14. mcallahan Been having some great conversations with a marine microbiologist about LR. Big thing I'm getting: the idea that LR takes years to cure is a bunch of BS (someone suggested that idea)

  15. YES! Got the house we wanted!

  16. If you have an ugly mug please don't show it in your avatar. hint hint rob, mark, gabe,

  17. It only takes one bad dental hygienist to ruin your whole day.

  18. YES! Got the house we wanted!

  19. Note to self: check filter media more often. Flooded my living room this morning. Sigh.

  20. considering selling my dwarf lion.

  21. Oh Halide...your time is limited...

  22. My hermits ate ALL of my acans. So mad right now.

  23. Tank crash, lost about 90% of our corals!!

  24. My hermits ate ALL of my acans. So mad right now.

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