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Robb in Austin

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Everything posted by Robb in Austin

  1. I am an Ecotech Fanboy but was surprised at the Tunze's results. I was also surprised at the Korala's performance too, as well as the Vortechs. What I was not surprised by was Tunze's response and I am sure they will correct the "problem". Regardless, it was nice to see some hard numbers and in real life it doesn't really matter because both Tunze and Vortech are used in top notch systems around the world.
  2. Making water. 2nd WC in a week. Whats wrong with me?

    1. Mindflux


      Not enough bacon in your diet?

    2. JamesL


      It must be contagious. I have water that has been mixing for a few days.

    3. fishypets


      I bet you guys have saltwater that mixed so long it turned to stone

  3. No dont! Make it a battle royale, death match style!
  4. It's fine, just too much. Mine may not be setup 100% correct, ie drains too low in sump etc, but it works and is quiet.
  5. You might ask Prof at soon to be not be named Epic reef. I seem to recall he has built some. The other option would be some local welding shops.
  6. Hey MF, Don't think I ever saw your question, sorry about that. Overall, it's nice but it's overkill. If I ever upgrade I'll just use a factory setup I think. Mine is mostly quiet. I had some flushing type problems initially but those quieted down until about a week ago. I do love the failsafe aspect of it as well as the internal overflow. I'd give it a solid B. Onto the update... A few months ago I started losing open brain LPSs. My thought was my water was too clean, based on running a GFO/GAC reactor along with having a fuge with macro. So I took the reactor off line; no change. Others suggested too much lighting, so I started running just 2 lights; no change. The end result is all LPS died for unknown reasons. About 3 weeks ago I started losing fish, and now I'm down to 4. I feel that most of it was due to poor maintenance on my part. Latest FTS:
  7. Dang! Just realized I don't have one of the 75 here. Lack of maintenance has resulted in all LPS loss a few months ago and 7 fish deaths over the last 2 weeks.
  8. From some research, I'm convinced it was BTA eggs. Cool! I wish I had gotten some decent pics of them now. Next time, I'll be ready.
  9. We got home from dinner tonight and found the tank full of small particles. They are dark green, about the size of a period, and dissolve/smoosh without feeling them smoosh in your fingers. I did a water change today. Inhabitants now consist of 2 clowns, 1 sailfin tang, 1 green chromis, 3 clams, zoas, ricordea, GSP, 2 BTA, 1 cleaner shrimp, various snails(who have been egg laying), a few emerald crabs, few Anthelia, fuge with caulerpa/cheato, and a few thousand bristle worms. The fish seem to be eating the particles, somewhat. Thoughts?
  10. Clint is my friend! I shall hold him and pet him and love him and his name is George. (Bonus points if you can name that cartoon without Youtube or Google)!

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Robb in Austin
    3. mcallahan


      i thought you were talking about fishypets.

    4. fishypets


      You guys are SICK!

  11. Wow, 4 today! Happy birthday everyone!
  12. Robb in Austin

    Blue Ricordea

    Picked this beauty up from the last Vivid GB (Thanks Mark!). I think it's doubled since I got it.
  13. I'm home tomorrow and Thurs during the day.
  14. How much are you looking for? I can prolly share a tennis ball size, or a maybe bit more, chunk.
  15. Starr, You've received plenty of info but I'll add my $.02 anyways. If you can arrange a half day to play, you can hit all of those mentioned. RCA, Tek, and FB are all on the, mostly, same side of town. Depending on where you are staying, you could start at one and work your ways towards the others. See the map James referred too. Also, while here, be sure to check out some of the local cuisine vs hitting the chains. Chuy's, Trudy's, Torchy's, Guero's, Rubys BBQ, Hoover's, Kerbey Lane Cafe are all great places to eat that are easy to find and, aside from Hoovers/Gueros/Rubys, all over town.
  16. Anyone want to come do a water change for me?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. mcallahan


      Sounds like it is time for an intervention!

    3. Duncan7


      Feeling any better, now?

    4. fishypets


      Sounds like Mark needs to put on his thong and go change some water

  17. I think with the liquid restrictions, you're gonna hafta pack it in luggage. Which means a heat pack, styrofoam maybe, and double if not triple bagging.
  18. Bet you could make an awesome turf algae setup in that same chamber.
  19. It would need light, but otherwise it might work. Got any room to put a HOB filter on? You can use a aquaclear or other brand as a hang on fuge.
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