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Robb in Austin

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Everything posted by Robb in Austin

  1. http://www.grindtv.com/outdoor/nature/post/cookie-monster-of-the-sea-photographed-off-curacao/
  2. They will take over and kill everything else you wanted to keep.
  3. If you have a nice strong flashlight, shine it at it and take a pic. But, like Tim, I'm basing my ID on the tentacle shape more than anything.
  4. Try to get a better picture before we fully authorize a deadly strike. We want to be sure we are taking out the terrorists and not some friendly natives.
  5. Fire doesn't work in water. Duh! True. One can remove the rock though. Or use a laser(not fire), maybe aiptasia x, the ARC Aiptasia zapper(not sure if it will work or who has it) or your head to smash it.
  6. Very difficult to ID correctly based on that. But. I'd say a majano and you should kill it with fire.
  7. Geeze Mike, Your a buddy of ours. FYI guys, it wasn't Mike (caferacermike) Whew! I was really hoping Mike was joking. Would it surprise you if it was Mike though? Well, based on his sense of humor, I could see that reply coming from him but would know it was a joke. CASCADING QUOTES Quoteception
  8. Geeze Mike, Your a buddy of ours. FYI guys, it wasn't Mike (caferacermike) Whew! I was really hoping Mike was joking. Would it surprise you if it was Mike though? Well, based on his sense of humor, I could see that reply coming from him but would know it was a joke.
  9. Geeze Mike, Your a buddy of ours. FYI guys, it wasn't Mike (caferacermike) Whew! I was really hoping Mike was joking.
  10. Well, I don't know if I'd go that far but....
  11. Actually, I do. In my run ins with APD, it's always been pleasant and professional. Even if I didn't get out of a ticket.
  12. Thinking we need to organize a ARC group hug.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Timfish


      Trying to figure out how many free oatmeal stouts it'll take to give Robb a hug :-/

    3. Makena95GT


      LOL I'm not "Legally of age" to buy, sooo.. not it! (NOSE GOES)

    4. Elizzy
  13. I keep waiting to get caught by the police. Just for the experience.
  14. I wonder how much of this is due to ignorance of the law vs intentionally disobeying it. I'd like to think these people know the rules about having permits and knowing what they can and can't collect but perhaps in the case of the sea fans they were truely ignorant. Sharks/fish/alligators should be pretty cut and dry though.
  15. I picked up an 30" Odyssea unit off Ebay for ~$100. 4xT5, 3 LED nightlights, built in timer. Pretty sure they had a 36" one. The shipping was from Houston so I got it quickly.http://www.ebay.com/usr/topdogsellers The only real downside is the reflector is flat so I lose some output. I've been happy with it for my office tank.
  16. Good suggestions above. My only advice would be to consider the tank foot print when looking at inhabitants. I have no idea the dimensions of that tank but it looks short in length and width. The last thing you want to add in that case is something that gets big( ie longer than the tank is wide in width) and is a swimmer. I was going to suggest a South American setup with angels, cory cats, and some tetras. Not one of them need a lot of swimming room.
  17. First I've ever heard of an AGE tank springing a leak.
  18. Lies! Tunze's DO NOT malfunction. You did something wrong.
  19. First off: welcome! By 'otb' do you mean off the back? The usual nomenclature is HOB or hang on back. You need, in general, 1lb of live rock per gallon of water. We are blessed to have some really good shops here in town; RCA, Aquadome, Fish Gallery are all sponsors and are great shops. Aquatek and Fishy Business are 2 others which are good but not sponsors. As far as free stuff, you should ask for things specifically; powerheads, corals, rock, fish, etc. If you are new to SW, or fish keeping in general, check out the resources tab at the top of the home page. Lots of good info there.
  20. Pics, and/or video, or it didn't happen.
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