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Robb in Austin

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Posts posted by Robb in Austin

  1. I've seen conflicting info on whether it kills sponges. Most of the info out there is yes, it will kill them. I wish I could remember where I read that it didn't.

    Either way, more will pop up I'm sure.

  2. You got some nice pics there Jake. Thanks for sharing.

    While looking at the pics blown up it struck me how dirty the reef really is. Look at all the detritus and algae growing on the rocks. Granted, it's not in the plague proportions it can occur in our tanks, but it made me feel a little less bad about my tank.

    The other thing I noticed was the close proximity of corals to each other. One of my personal beefs with tanks is how most people just throw frags every where, possibly without thinking how it will look once the frags are colonies and run into each other. But, the pics show that they are growing like that in the wild. Thanks for the education.

  3. Here is Mark's Brain in The Robb's Tank.

    This thing was in poor shape when Mark "paid" me with it for bringing something to his house(something he didn't need to do). I've had it for about 6 weeks I'd say and, as I'm sure Mark will attest, it has done beautifully for me. Turns out dirty tanks are good for something besides softies and GHA after all!

    post-371-064069300 1279228561_thumb.jpg

  4. I was just having this discussion with o0zarakawater and in my limited research discovered that the VHO actinic's look better to people.

    I never found hard numbers but the prevailing opinion was that the T5 put out more PAR but for pure actinic supplementation the VHO was better.

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