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Robb in Austin

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Posts posted by Robb in Austin

  1. Well...that would be ideal I suppose but it's even more spendy.

    Of course, there is always Elos and their single corner overflow. About as spendy as AGE.

    And then there is Glasscages for the cheap route. Or any number of other custom tank Mfgs.

  2. As Mike alluded to, I'm using a variant of the Herbie style that BeanAnimal came up with, there is a link in the thread to the RC thread.

    Also, as Mike mentioned, I'd go with a factory style if I was redoing it. The BA/Herbie methods work but are way too much.

  3. Update time again. A bit sooner than the last one at least.

    I fiddled with setting up some type of support underneath the drains, and in doing so, managed to make the bulkheads leak. So it went on hiatus for a few weeks.

    I got put on call today and Chris(oOzarkawater) and Mike (caferacermike) were nice enough to come over and help me. Mike had the leaky bulkheads fixed in about 3 minutes(he's a 'plumber' so this is expected but still stinks). Chris and I moved the tank back into the house, Mike and I filled it up to check for leaks, and then we sat around BS'ing for a few hours.

    The tank is currently in its location, running FW to ensure no leaks and passes the power failure tests. I'll prolly leave it this way for a few days.

    It is still leaking air on the open pipe. I'm not real interested in trying to fix it at this point. It's quiet, can certainly handle all the flow the 1260 is putting out, and the emergency pipe is ready to take up any slack if something happens.

    I'll post some pics soon.

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