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Robb in Austin

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Posts posted by Robb in Austin

  1. Not sure on the sand bed replacement, although a good siphoning wont hurt.

    I think if you do a large volume water change as soon as possible, manually remove as much algae as possible, and get the skimmer going you will be in a much better place. Then keep up with the water changes.

  2. I switched the open and siphon caps to see what happened and, lo and behold, the air leak followed suit. So, apparently I have a leak at the Jogn Guest fitting and the cap. Even though the JG fitting has a goodly amount of Teflon tape around it and it's screwed in all the way. I also have a goodly amount of TT around the cap itself. I'm thinking I may run a bead of silicone around the JG fitting and the cap.

    I'm somewhat torn about what to do with the outlets. Mike came up with the great idea of using the tees as support/outlet, so my pipework is fully supported. I was going to run a 2x4 underneath the piping as support but all three lines are at slightly different heights so it wont work.

    I think if I can get the leak fixed, all should be well. Regardless, the system is working just fine. I may have more water running down the open channel than it's designed for but it's not a build killer.

  3. Nope. Could only find regular ones. I ordered these on line, and they were advertised as sanitary ones, but obviously they aren't.

    I am getting some air on the open channel from somewhere. I suspect it's coming from the union.

  4. Since Mike wants to see his handiwork during the day time...

    The back:

    post-371-048413700 1282245992_thumb.jpg

    The front:

    post-371-093426600 1282246007_thumb.jpg

    Still need to add a support bracket for the drain lines and a two hole clamp for the return line. Then, back in the house she goes!

  5. I went with it for the silent and failsafe part. I knew that SWMBO would not tolerate noise, or more importantly, spills.

    I debated with myself for at least a month before deciding to use this system. In retrospect I would have gone with a standard factory overflow. That said, I'm pleased with how quiet it is as well as it's performance in the power outage scenario.

    Today, whilst playing with it, I turned off the siphon completely and the open channel pipe handled all the flow, by itself, without a hiccup. It didnt even get close to the emergency pipe.

    More pics to follow tomorrow.

  6. Ok.

    Got a tap that will fit that 3/8" John Guest fitting? All the one's I've come across are tiny. Needs a 9/16" hole, which I can make, but no tap I have is big enough. From what I've gathered it's about 5/8" in reality.

  7. Have you read through the thread on RC? I'm fairly certain there are a number of questions regarding waves, might take some digging to find them though.

    If you do go with it, I'd say stick with 1". I went with 1.25" and all that tubing weighs a ton, is costly, and finding some parts has been difficult(sanitary tees to be exact). I imagine you could get by with 3/4" just fine too.

  8. @Chris; yes, it is the bean overflow. The siphon tube was not setup in that shot. We just wanted to get some water in it and see what happened regarding leaks. It would appear that the system would run just fine as it is in that pic though. It was very quiet and passed the powerfail/restart test beautifully.

    @James; Thanks to Mike's expertise the pipework came out great.

  9. Are there zoa eating nudis? Looking at that picture full size reveals what appears to be a tail coming out the bottom almost directly under the head.

    Check on wet web media; but only when you have some time to read through the site. It can be difficult to follow at times.

    Here is a link to the zoa predator FAQ part one:


    About a third the way down on that page there is a mention of zoa eating nudis. Read up.

  10. Well, this has update has taken some time to get to...but at least it's here now.

    With TONS of help from CR Mike the plumbing is done! Thanks again Mike! You Rule!

    This is it running with only minor tweaks needed. Hopefully I can make those final tweaks in the am and move it back in for final placement and begin filling with RODI!! Need to see Dave(Prof) for new rock too!

    Here is the proof:

    The bottom of the back side:

    post-371-056418000 1282100954_thumb.jpg

    The overflow with water!

    post-371-075940800 1282100996_thumb.jpg

    The sump full and running:

    post-371-074844200 1282101025_thumb.jpg

    The front with water running!

    post-371-056124300 1282101047_thumb.jpg

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