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Robb in Austin

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Posts posted by Robb in Austin

  1. Hit the jetties on the north end of the island.

    It's a rough hike of about 1/2 mile I think. Take headlights so your hands are free, although a flashlight will be good for walking back. Wear shoes appropriate to walking over boulders, ie no flip flops. If you go during the day you can probably get the nems without issue, but the shrimps will be better at night I think.

    To get the nems you'll have to crawl down in there and get wet.

    Check the seaweed, assumming it's still coming in, for fish/crabs etc.

    Two other things highly recommended;

    sunscreen, and lots of it. Frequently.

    Don't leave the bucket in the back of the truck for the trip back home. Unless you want fish stew.

  2. Dena, if you haven't figured it out yet, T5's need to have individual reflectors and cooling fans for the best performance. Be sure to get a fixture that has those features and you'll be ok.

    The older Tek unit doesn't have the fan and has a acrylic shield that really hurts the output.

  3. The Tek elite unit looks real good on paper and is better, IMO, than the NEP. I have an Aquactinics Tx5 on my 58 and another waiting for the 75 and I love them. They are a bit bulky though. The ATI t5 fixtures are probably the best available. Reefgeek has the ATI and the Tek units. I have my unit sitting on top of the tank and get _zero_ temp increase with it on. That, and ease of color changing, is why I went with T5, and it was cheaper.

    When I initially setup the 58 I used all ATI bulbs(2x Aquablue special, 2 blue +, 1 procolor) but now have all Giesemann (2x actinic +, 2x aquablue, 1x midday) bulbs since they were the only thing available locally. I have no idea what the phoenix lamp you listed looks like but both of my combos are a nice crisp white. The shot of my tank at the beginning of the FTS thread has the ATI combo. The later FTS, from back in May, is mostly Giesemann bulbs. The colors are accurate.

    ATI and Giesemann have generally been praised as having the best PAR.

    See here for lots of info:


    Grim is the T5 guru on RC.

  4. I know it adds around $400 to the cost through AGE. I'd love to have it, but I wouldn't want to do it myself...and paying $400 extra for it...sheesh...

    That does seem a bit high for a little cut out but given the cost of their tanks...

  5. All done. Sort of.

    The new machine sees it, as E drive, and I have access to it. Dang it's slow though.

    It only shows up as a 127GB drive though, which I assume is due to having XP on it which wouldn't recognize anything over that.

    Next question;

    Should I wipe it and reconfigure it so I get the full 200GB? Should I just delete all the old system stuff on it? What to do?

    Thanks Chris, Chris F, Mike, Kacey.

  6. Howdy all!

    I have a desktop running Windows 7 with a 1TB SATA HDD. I have an old machine with Windows XP and a, IIRC, 180 or 200GB HDD. When we upgraded to the Windows 7 machine, I copied all the stuff over and then mothballed the old machine.

    Now, I want to bring the old HDD into the new machine and use it as a backup drive. What is the easiest way to do that?

    I have physically swapped drives before so I know how to do that part.

    Thanks in advance!


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