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Robb in Austin

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Posts posted by Robb in Austin

  1. I think I know what the answer is but I'm gonna ask anyways.

    I mixed up a new batch of SW last night and it's cloudy.

    I used my normal mixing vessel, a 24g Rubbermaid tub. Before I used it, I cleaned it with a vinegar/water mixture, scrubbed it down, rinsed with tap water, soaked it in tap water with Prime added and then let it air dry. No vinegar smell after drying.

    I use a MJ1200 to mix it, and this was still dirty(had a white colored haze on it which has been there before and never caused issues) from the last time.

    The new SW tests normally. It's only cloudy in the Rubbermaid. When I was testing it looked ok in the test tubes.

    Now the question:

    Should I use it or dump it and try again? I really hate the idea of dumping ~20g of new SW.

  2. The T piece is on the return line. You would need to break into the return line, insert a T fitting and then run some more line off the side of the T back into the sump. The net effect is reduced flow back to the tank because some of it 'escapes' out the side port.

  3. Cyano. A type of algae that is common to new tanks, and old ones with issues too. You can direct some flow towards it(it doesn't like a lot of flow), siphon it out, and/or just let the tank run it's course. It should go away in time.

  4. See what you started Jarred!(Jarred and I have been talking via PM's.)

    Those fixtures mentioned above are fine too.

    I went with T5 based on ease of bulb changing so I could/can tweak my lights coloring as I want and I was worried about needing a chiller with MH. I also liked that the fixture I went with (Aquactinics TX5) was designed to sit right on top of the tank.

    A ton of folks around here run MH without a chiller and without problems. MH do provide a nice shimmer(don't know if you noticed it on Chad and Belinda's tank yesterday) and I've seen quite a few sitting on top of the tank with support legs.

    So, ask a question and get 12439786 different responses. There is no one perfect answer. (But mine is better than everyone elses because I am The Robb! :(:P )

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