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Everything posted by victoly

  1. Sucks to hear man. Another thing to try is to use the aquanotes app instead of the apex app. Much quicker response time. I guess the other option is to use the fusion site on a mobile browser.
  2. You may need to adjust the outlet youre using for your pump. Low power devices should be on outlets 4 and 8, or they may fail in an on state.
  3. Hanna Phosphate Checker + extra box of reagent - $40 (over $60 if you got it all new on amazon)
  4. and french spelunker mustaches
  5. Looks really good! Radiums 4 life!
  6. $150 Chiller is used but in good working condition. reburn $70 Pump has never been wet. Bpb
  7. High ambient CO2 indoors. check out this thread. http://www.austinreefclub.com/topic/29195-ph-and-ambient-outdoor-temperature/?hl=%2Bambient+%2Bco2
  8. Six line would be a great choice.
  9. Many people keep a sixline and a yellow tang as utility fish.
  10. It probably makes more sense to slowly bring the old tank params more in line with what your new tank (by way of new salt) params will be. Of course this may all be moot once you get down to 35 ppt via dilution, just retest and take it from there.
  11. You need to figure out what the deal is with your new salt. Mix up more batches or something, because if it's what you're going to be using, are you going to do this rigamarole every time? My advice would be to check the calibration of your refractometer before you start trying to dilute your freshly made saltwater. Its possible that your refrac is off and maybe the true salinity is like 1.028 or 1.029 which would explain the higher alk.
  12. 30 minutes a week sounds like a reasonable ramp up to me
  13. Yeah, the cons of starting your lights too long are much greater than the benefits of ramping up quickly. I ramped mine up over a period of months to the 9 hours its at currently.
  14. Any chance you have par measurements ?
  15. I love the dimensions of this tank and your scape.
  16. Just moved up to tie mike for #3 on the all time post count. Quantity over quality is what i always say.

    1. Show previous comments  13 more
    2. fishypets


      I was posting on this site when you were still on the nipple. Show some respect please.

    3. victoly


      I can understand how that would make you jealous

    4. fishypets


      Yeah but Brooks finished you off.

  17. was this the inlet fitting to the RO membrane? If so, i could see the pressure cracking it. However on the outlet of the DI resin (where you would normally put your "out" TDS probe) shouldnt be under hardly any pressure at all.
  18. Maybe a good interim step is to switch to a different salt with higher alk/ca/mg (like rscp or salinity)
  19. Yeah, you're ok to dose fresh saltwater by waiting a few minutes between chemicals. As long as they're not visible, it's unlikely that youre going to have a heavy precipitation. You're bucket will probably encrust with more precipitate than if it was just straight saltwater, but not by much. Of course, longer is better, but i dose my tank in 5 minute increments between parameters.
  20. Sounds like you might have the ASOV plumbed incorrectly. Rory is sage, post us some pics with the way its plumbed or call up BRS. They're actual experts instead of all us internet warriors, so they can probably help more quickly.
  21. IME the temp probes don't need calibration. it's going to be hard to find a more accurate/reliable temp sensor than the ones provided with the apex.
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