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C Lo Slice

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Everything posted by C Lo Slice

  1. I have a Cascade canister filter. I (try to) clean it once a month. I've been doing so since April. Well, I just cleaned it and hooked everything back up. The instructions say to let it sit for one minute after opening the flow control valves. I let it sit for one minute, went to do something else, then noticed a TON of water on my floors. I turned the flow control valves off to stop the leak, then cleaned up the water on the floor. Took it back outside and un-hooked everything to make sure everything was kosher, then re-assembled. Hooked it back up and things started leaking again. What the @$(&*#(*&@! is goin on?!?!?!? I've never had this problem before! Can someone PLEASE help me?
  2. What are the dimensions on the 110? Is it holding water okay?
  3. Woke up to a dead Kole Tang. RIP Tango :(

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Demodiki
    3. RobR


      Man that sucks, sorry about your loss.

    4. DerrickH


      **** the luck man! Sorry to hear :(

  4. Thank you for the offer, Sherita, that's very nice of you. I was contacted by Coralife this morning and they said they will drop a new foot in the mail tomorrow and I should have it in a few days. Yeah, that's what I was thinking too. The slug did a phenomenal job of getting 99% of the GHA and cyano. Hopefully this will finish it off. Definitely great customer service. I offered to pay for the replacement and was told not to worry about it. Now I just hope I can get it quickly. If it isn't here by Wednesday, I'll probably try to do a temporary fix on the fixture and just pray it doesn't fall in the water, I guess. Thanks for all the advice, guys. And to those who offered to babysit my corals, I definitely appreciate the offer.
  5. So I struck a deal with Mr. Cob that saw me get a frag in exchange for my Sea Slug. Well, of course, the day of the swap, the slug decided he wanted to go hang out in the ONLY corner of the tank that is impossible for me to get to. I tried everything I could to get him to move, eventually poking him with my net in the attempt to scoop him out. Once I poked him he decided to move to a better location for me to grab him. Once he moved, my hand was too thick to get into the crevice to pick him up. I asked my wife for assistance and she decided to move the light fixture on her own, instead of asking me to help her. When she did, she grabbed only one side and pulled it to the front of the tank. The other side of the fixture stayed put and, needless to say, the plastic on the "holding foot" on the side she was pulling, gave way. It snapped right in half. How it didn't completely fall into the tank, who knows (but thank God it didn't!). We pulled it off the tank and assessed the damage. No bueno. This is a Coralife 4-bulb T5HO fixture with 4 directional moonlights. I checked my owner's manual and their website to no avail - they don't have any replacement parts listed for order. I sent the company an e-mail to explain my problem and ask if I could order a new "foot". Still waiting to hear back from them. So, basically, my question is will my corals survive without any lights until I can figure out what to do? The list of corals is: Frogspawn (3) small Acan frags Large Acan colony 7 polyp Sunny D frag Blood Red Blasto frag Red and green Blasto frag Purple People Eater frag Purple Hornet frag Palau Nepthea colony 9-eyed Miami Hurricane chalice Lots of GSP (3) Metallic Orange shrooms (3) Green shrooms (2) different Zoa hitchhiker colonies Indo Zoa frag from AAF Fairy Dust Paly colony and a very large Superman Monti (~6 inches) I know the fish are okay without lights, but I'm still new to saltwater so I just want to make sure that corals will be fine as well. Anyone have any suggestions or comments??
  6. Anyone know how to get Coralife replacement parts? There's nothing on their website

    1. Chad and Jen May

      Chad and Jen May

      IME, you have to call. For such a popular and well used brand, their website, and especially ordering new parts, just plain sucks. :(

    2. C Lo Slice

      C Lo Slice

      I e-mailed them last night and got a response this morning. They're shipping me a replacement free of charge :D

    3. Chad and Jen May
  7. I've had my Sea Slug for six days now and he has totally cleared my tank of hair algae and cyano. I hate to get rid of him because he really is cool to watch and I just know that my GHA is going to pop back up once he is gone. But I really don't want him to starve. Just looking to get what I paid for him ($20) or I'm open to trades (I could really use a sand-sifting critter). Pickup is in Buda, or I can meet at the Mr. Cob pickup tomorrow.
  8. Right on, man. It's so nice to get great customer service. Having been in the industry myself since I was 16, I find myself absolutely dumbfounded by the atrocious service so many people give. It's not hard to put on a smile and make the customer happy
  9. What kind of nutrients are we talking about? Is there any way to get rid of them without having to dose? I was doing 10% water changes once a week before the cyano, then when it popped up I went to 10% twice a week and cut back on my lights by two hours a day. EDIT: Nevermind... the brilliant idea to do research on my own popped into my head. Thanks for the advice on the product to use. Sorry for hijacking the thread!
  10. Mark, I'm curious to know how much you use on your tank each week. I know the dose says 10 ml per 10 gallons... Would it be the same for an existing cyano issue? I'm sick of dealing with this stuff!
  11. Looks like diatoms to me. Perhaps its just the pictures
  12. Thanks, Rob. I understand why this can be a bit sensitive. I went to purchase 6 food items at $17 (which is amazing, right?!) then I saw a $25 shipping fee. Lapse in judgment posting it here for a group buy. I knew better
  13. Also, if anyone wants to go in on this with me to cut down shipping costs, let me know. Mods, I apologize if this comes off as a group order (I know we can only do that with our sponsors). Feel free to delete if this breaks the rules. No harm intended
  14. 30% off frozen fish foods until October 26... I was browsing for myself and was wondering if anyone had used Rogger's Complete Blend Reef Food? Anyone have any good or bad reviews on this stuff? http://www.fosterandsmithaquatics.com/product/prod_display.cfm?c=3578+20024+22118&pcatid=22118&r=896
  15. Slowly losing easy-to-keep LPS... first the Fox Coral, and now my Frogspawn (which has always thrived) is shriveling up its' heads one by one. I can understand how people get discouraged and leave :(

    1. Show previous comments  15 more
    2. bimmerzs


      If the mg is low, usually you have issues keeping ca and alk up.

    3. bimmerzs


      To cover all of the basic's I really would get the ca/alk/mg and sg verified with known good test kit's and a calibrate refractometer.

    4. Elizzy


      I have the $39 refractometer - http://www.buckeyefieldsupply.com/showproducts.asp?Sub=220&showspecials=220 I use it all the time, definitely worth the investment. My hydrometer had my sg at 1.026, the refractometer had it at 1.31...

  16. I have been having the same issues with my Red Sea Hydrometer. My birthday is coming up and I told my wife the only thing I want from anyone is a nice refractometer. Also, Juiceman is right... I changed my salt to Red Sea Coral Pro a month ago and my tank is just now starting to get used to the change.
  17. I've told my wife's cousin about this, but he hasn't given me an answer. For this price, if I didn't already have a 60 gallon of my own, I'd jump on this. Wish I could help you out...
  18. From personal experience, I can say that ceriths will be attracted to the glass. I've had such considerable die off in the past 3 months that I'm considering bolstering the CUC up a bit, albeit with other types of snails. My nassarius have done a great job of keeping the glass clean and only a handful are needed.
  19. Dang, I really hope I have some extra money before you're done parting everything out. i can't believe you're actually breaking this piece of art down. Do you have new plans, or are you getting out completely for the time being?
  20. Yeah, I know. I've done my research Those Blue Rings sure are pretty, though.
  21. How are things looking, Kim? Has the tank bounced back without any more casualties since you went out of town?
  22. Man I want that Octopus. My wife forbids them though, cuz they creep her out. How much are yall asking for it?
  23. I keep my house at 76 and the tank VERY rarely gets above 78. What kind of lights are you using. I have a 4-bulb T5HO just 3 or 4 inches off the waters surface. If you take that room temperature down, it should definitely help.
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