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Everything posted by Mindflux

  1. I've been debating on some B-Ionic (or BRS 2 Part)... I'll add it to my growing list of supplies needed. As for Alk in the short term, can't I just go buy baking soda and cook it? (You can read more about these here: http://reefkeeping.com/issues/2006-02/rhf/index.php) I'll test my ALK tonight and see where it's at before making any decisions on 2 part.
  2. I'm not dosing cal and alk right now, I don't have enough coral to deplete what's in my salt mix. As far as water quality issues. I suppose that's a possibility? I'm using a BRS 6 stage RODI system with chloramine filter(http://www.bulkreefsupply.com/store/products/reverse-osmosis-filters-and-systems/reverses-osmosis-deionization-systems/chloramines-specific-systems/75-gpd-ro-di-6-stage-chloramines-deluxe-system.html). Water comes out at 0 TDS. Doing at present, WC's every 2 weeks. Using Red Sea Coral pro salt. Rock came from a forum member. It had some GHA on it which I tried to get rid of by keeping the rock in buckets (with pumps for circulation) for 2+ weeks. That whole "3 days of darkness" thing for GHA seems to be BS in my experience.
  3. Mindflux


    You should have QT'd them with Hyposalinity or a copper(cupramine) treatment. The thing with ICK is it appears on the body, but when it disappears it's not gone, it's dropped off into your sand bed multiplying for another round. At this point I'd QT the rest of your fish and treat them with Cupramine or Hyposalinity and keep them out of your DT for 8 (or more) weeks from the last time you saw any fish with ICK. I know this is heartbreaking, but it's what you gotta do IMO. You'll want to read up on Cupramine OR Hypo treatment and decide which will work better for you. Once the 'treatment' stage is over raise your salinity up (slowly) for Hypo or do a large waterchange for cupramine and run some carbon in your QT tank. Best of luck. I finally caught my chromis and am now treating the 3 fish that made it out of my tank alive for Brooklynella. That's just my 2c on the issue. After dealing with Brooklynella I'm going to be more cautious about QTing new fish before they make their way to the DT so I can watch them for anything that can be passed on to the other inhabitants. I'd rather QT one/two fish before they make it to my DT than having to chase several fish around in my DT to QT them later. DO NOT HYPO OR TREAT COPPER IN YOUR DT, EVER -- This shouldn't have to be said, but I'm gonna say it.
  4. Thanks Mason. I don't have any bic lighters but I have plenty of cigar torches. I did try burning off some GHA a while back and the rock turned white where I burned. (I torched the heck out of it though).. killed off the coralline algae beneath the GHA.
  5. If that were even practical for me I'd consider it. I need to get me a pair of 55 gallon drums and some pallets or cinder blocks.
  6. I've got some Chemipure Elite in the tank now, my order from DFS just came in. So that's got some GFO at the least.
  7. So, between GHA, Hydroids and now Gelidium I think I'm dealing with a considerable amount of nuisance algaes and growths. The sea hare is actively eating GHA, but it keeps sprouting up even though my phosphates are reading zero. (Though I'm told the GHA is consuming it, which is why it reads zero) So now I've got red wirey algae growing which I can only assume is gelidium. How do I get rid of this? I think Bry mentioned burning it off, but there's so much of it at this point I'd really do a number on my LR going that route. I've also read on reefcleaners that Sea Hare's eat Gelidium.. but I guess the GHA tastes a whole bunch better because my hare has no interest in it. I will say this is the last time I'll be buying live rock that's got any considerable age on it. I thought I was being smart buying rock that's nice and 'purpled up' from the get go.... but this stuff must have been tagging along with it. (I know the GHA was for certain).
  8. I'll let it grow out and give it to someone looking for a frag when the time comes. I can't wait to give back something to the community that has helped me so much!
  9. Well it ended up fragging itself as you suggested it might. I've glued it to a new plug and have it basking in the glow of my lights.
  10. If prefer one colony due to tank size. I'll leave it and see where it goes.
  11. The fish trap I'm using fell on one of my small superman monti frags and broke a little section apart. It's not entirely separated from the original frag. Should I just let it be or snip it off and put it on it's own plug or will it heal over time?
  12. most likely. Usually it can't be stopped but every now and then you get lucky. Sucks that things can go downhill that fast.
  13. Sounds like it has a case of RTN. Was mostly OK yesterday and by this morning it was almost completely bleached.
  14. I don't know how quickly it degraded. It was under power compacts. so you just moved it from PC's to MH's? It was under PCs, I got it today (in the state shown above) and it's under MH's that aren't on yet. I can move it lower in the column so it's not blasted by the MH (150W) if that's advisable. YES. Very well. I've moved it further forward in my tank (not directly under MH) and another couple inches deeper. Any more and I'll have to put it in the sand bed. I will say my MH's only run from 4PM to 9PM due to heat issues within the tank. Hoping a fan will solve that here shortly.
  15. I don't know how quickly it degraded. It was under power compacts. so you just moved it from PC's to MH's? It was under PCs, I got it today (in the state shown above) and it's under MH's that aren't on yet. I can move it lower in the column so it's not blasted by the MH (150W) if that's advisable.
  16. I don't know how quickly it degraded. It was under power compacts.
  17. It's got a little tissue on it, not a whole ton of it though. I'll give it some time. I mean, if it dies and just turns to complete skeleton it won't hurt my tank, right?
  18. I got this piece of coral off a friend who noticed it bleaching out. It's got very little color to it, just in a few spots right now. Right now I've got it under Actinics until my MH kicks in. It'll be directly under the MH about 10" below the water surface. I'm hoping good light and moderate flow from my pumps can breathe some life into it. Has anyone brought a stalk of SPS this far gone back or should I just put it on my mantle?
  19. Whoo. Sand and Salt here I come. Hope I can get there before stock is gone.
  20. Looks almost like cotton candy algae to me but the guys above are probably right. http://www.reefcleaners.org/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=54&Itemid=81 And yeah, this algae stuff is pretty irritating. It's not hard to see why some people don't stay in the hobby long.
  21. Expiration dating can be debatable - 4 months out should be fine! Stupid reagents expiring.....
  22. I've got a Hagen/Nutrafin test kit that tests everything but Mg I think. I have a Salifert for Mg, but it's about 4 months from expiring.
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