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Everything posted by Mindflux

  1. Sure. But I just turned up the pressure regulator on my sprinkler system (which taps into the main line to the house) until I got to about 90PSI at the spigot (what the neighbors output spigot is at) and I'm floating around 55/58 PSI on the RODi system now. It's hard to believe that the sed filter/carbon filter and chloramine filter drop my pressure from 90 at the spigot to 55. That's a HUGE pressure drop for 3 little filters. So unless my sprinkler guy calls back and says that's a bad idea I think I'll be OK. Have you tested your water pressure in your home? *Edit: Sprinkler guy said the sprinklers were tapped in before the regulator so I'm good.
  2. Talked to BRS and they said I could run it at 40, though the membrane efficiency drops and my DI Resin has to pick up the slack. That sucks..... I'll be producing a higher waste to pure water ratio like this too.
  3. I don't recall that Dr. Tims stuff, I'm assuming it's like TetraStart and the other "bio jumpstart" products?
  4. How long after a new setup before you can introduce CUC?
  5. My softener was added after the house was bult. Every faucet (even external) are going through the softener. I've confirmed this by turning the softener emergency shutoff on and running the outside faucet.
  6. Also my meter seems to be covered in mud so I can't see anything down there. If it dries out I'll dig some dirt out and check my gauge and pressure adjustment.
  7. I think my softener is killing my pressure. Everyone has told me softeners do that.
  8. I haven't hooked up the DI resin chambers yet. I was trying to run some of the carbon dust out of the system first.
  9. Well, all I had to do was mount it to the wall. Right now I'm just trying to use my hose bib on my exterior wall to supply the unit. Unfortunately my softener is putting the kibosh on my pressure.
  10. I just hooked my inlet to the hose bib at my neighbors (with permission). I got over 60PSI but the Flow Meter still told me to change the filters and never went 'green' to acknowledge good flow. It must be a restriction my water softener is putting on the house. ugh.
  11. I just started up my 6 Stage w/ Chloramine's BRS Deluxe system. Right off the bat the Flow Meter was beeping and flashing red at me. The pressure gauge is reading about 38PSI but has crept to 40 PSI. I'm pretty sure we have higher pressure then that at my valve by the street though. The sprinkler guys came out and tested my pressure before putting a system in and I'm almost certain they said I had 80+ PSI at the meter. Right now I'm just hooking the system to a hose bib on the outside of my house (RODi mounted in the garage). I can't find much about required input pressure to run, can anyone give me any guidance? The Flow meter is telling me to change filters, but they're brand new.
  12. Hope it's not a repost. Kind of neat.
  13. Mindflux


    Why does all this stuff show up before my tank is ready?
  14. drum has no lid if that makes any difference to you. I almost bought it but that was a dealbreaker for me.
  15. I'll take both your salt buckets and your sand. Wish I knew about these yesterday.
  16. PM sent on the jugs and sump, though I didn't see the poster above had interest in it until now. oops.
  17. I just know the round rock water report mentions chloramines
  18. Yeah someone else told me about The Water Jug. I'll have to stop in after I get some containers. I was eyeing a RODI+Chloramine unit too, but my biggest issue is nowhere to store a sizable container for RODI water and no way to stop the flow once the container fills without baby sitting it. I suppose a float switch and a solenoid could work for that.
  19. Amazing setup. You're just down the road from me. It's a shame I don't have that kind of room for a tank this size.
  20. Do you also make your own RODI water? I know you're in the RR area (if I'm not mistaken) and was wondering if there's an OK place to buy RO water around here? I won't have room for a RODI system (or tanks) for a while.....
  21. I have quite a few zoas in my BC 29 and they are doing really well with no dosing at all. Really? Well maybe I can save myself $40 here up front on calc/alk/mg kit...
  22. Probably whatever is easiest at first. I sure like the look of zoas though
  23. Yeah, I realize that. But eventually I *WILL* have to dose (whichever way I go it's hard to say but I'm imagining most folks start of manually dosing), and buying the supplies up front and scoring free shipping from BRS is part of my motiviation behind ordering these now rather than later.
  24. Yeah that's another issue (and more expense)... trying to avoid that for now. I don't actually hear too much about people running Carbon/GFO reactors maybe they're just an unsaid item or for bigger tanks?. I mostly hear about Kalk/Calc .. Any thoughts on the rest? The supplements etc?
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