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Everything posted by Mindflux

  1. I got the LR from Matt, so he may be right that SOMEWHERE are some nuclear green paly's.. but I don't think it's these. I do have two small clusters of something that's bright green.. but they look more zoa-ish to me and are very tiny right now.
  2. I have some Teal Paly's from Lamont, definitely not those.... at least they aren't yet. They could take time to color up? The pic is pretty true to their present appearance.
  3. Wrasse is in QT. He fell for the water bottle fishtrap with some mysis in it. woohoo. Now if I can get the dang chromis and the firefish if it's alive... I'd like to do a formalin regimen on all the fish at once. While posting. If I plan to keep my DT fish free for 8 weeks do I have to worry about the coral? Can the parasite live on corals?
  4. Yeah I was reading that thread earlier. Scary stuff.
  5. Blue/Green Chromis is looking splotchy, but only under actinics.... I guess this is a lesson in QTing new livestock. (or maybe anything wet, QT corals too for bugs?)... So far my fish trap water bottle hasn't caught anything... Even with rods food in there. If this doesn't catch anything by this evening I may throw some mysis in it... make it more enticing.
  6. The first picture I was a little sceptical on but this one sure looks like it. It kills clowns very quick though(mine were dead in 2 days). I now keep formalin on hand for this reason as the day I discovered it no LFS in NB were open or they didn't have it. The next day they were dead. Luckily they were in my QT instead of my DT but I was shocked how fast they died. This is why I am wondering if it isn't Marine Velvet as yours seemed to live a little longer. Copper is very useful if it is. I also say this because Brook(also known as Clownfish Disease) is rarily found on other species( I do remember someone posting a pic of a yellow tang with it though so it isn't impossible of course). Just thought I would throw it out there so you could research that and see what you think. I wondered if it was marine velvet, but my other clown is doing well in QT on Formalin (well, 3 days of formalin and now he's just in QT acting what I'd consider normal). I'm not sure is Formalin and Malachite Green is effective on velvet? The clown that survived no longer has splotchy/sloughing skin as shown above in that picture, although that is the one that died and my other clown didn't seem AS "sick" by the time I got the QT going. My wrasse has a cloudy eye and a splotch on his side. I'm trying to catch him and my chromis (and firefish if he's still alive) to move them all to QT for bulk treatment and QT until 8+ weeks pass in my DT for brook to die off. I've read brooklynella is HIGHLY contagious to every fish once exposed to it.
  7. Things are not looking good for this guy. It's shriveled looking and the tentacles haven't come out in 2 days or so now. I guess we'll see where this takes us. Planning on a water change on Monday.
  8. I think you're the first person I've seen that hasn't had glowing words about it... interesting.
  9. Clown looks good. If I can get everyone into QT I'd treat Formalin again for 3 days and observe, then probably keep them all QT'd for 6+ weeks for the lifecycle of brooklynella to leave my DT.
  10. Well looks like my 6 line might have brook too. He's got a few splotchy spots on him. If I could catch him he'd go in QT. :/
  11. Mindflux

    Items for sale.

    Interested in the chiller!
  12. They're under my 150W MH and 48W of Actinic. That's all I've got.
  13. If that's what they are they're pretty blah color wise. Checking google images .....
  14. I'm not one way or another about them.... they're not very pretty but they're not ugly either, ya know? I've got a piece of rubble from all that LR I got from you that's just COVERED in tiny ones right now. I'm STILL fighting GHA on all that rock. Resorted to a sea hare which is presently eating it at a pretty good rate.
  15. I'm getting a report that these are Palys? Should I leave them be or cut them out? IF I cut them out how do I be sure they do not grow back?
  16. <game show music fades out> What's this stuff above my mushroom? I never thought much of them, but I'm wondering if they're a hydroid or something I need to worry about crowding out my very few corals.
  17. Clown is looking/acting better. He's hanging out inside some PVC Tee's and elbows I have in the QT tank. Starting to act a little less gaspy (hanging around pumps for added flow and such). I've put a normal filter back in the QT with charcoal to remove the medication. (Though Formalin is only active for about 2 hours in water) I've got to soak up the Malachite Green. Will continue to monitor him over the next several weeks. What a lonely existence.
  18. Well the loose lobe might have to come off. I took it back out to see if the lobe was attached to anything, and I think it must have broken in transit when I bought it.. I wiggled the lobe a bit and it split into the lobe itself. I tried to superglue the skeleton back together and onto the base piece to stop any drooping.. but since the whole thing was wet I'm not sure the superglue took at all. (It amazes me superglue works at all in tanks considering everything is WET)... poor coral!
  19. All the lobes feel stony when I touch them, even the droopy one feels like the skeleton is there. After putting it back in the water the flesh has retracted and it looks very angry right now. That seems like a good response to what just happened... Also rotated the coral a bit so the loose lobe isn't so flappy in the current.
  20. Well I'm not sure what I should do at this point? See where it goes or cut that lobe off?
  21. How's that bean overflow working for you? Whenever I get to build something bigger I'd like to keep it as silent as possible and this seems to take the cake.
  22. It's my uncles birthday too, though he's not a member here. Happy Birthday everyone!
  23. I really need to catch my Chromis, Wrasse and Firefish for QT/Treatment. Problem is the Chromis and Wrasse are FAST. The Firefish I haven't seen in 2 or 3 days since I netted the clown. I think he went into deep hiding, I hope he's not dead.
  24. I have prime in case I see ammonia spike, but so far so good. I do have filter media out of my DT in the QT now.
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