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Everything posted by Sherita

  1. I have got to be stupid or something. Going on a diet and quitting smoking at the same time. I'm miserable, but losing weight. And tomorrow will be three weeks smoke free.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. sifuentes31


      LOL keep it up!!

    3. Grog


      Quitting smoking is probably the best think you can do for yourself. Congrats!

    4. Chad and Belinda

      Chad and Belinda

      Gongrats!!! Belinda and I quit almost 8 years ago and never went back. If I can do it so can you!!!

  2. Outsmarted again! I'm still trying to get the itty bitty pistol shrimp out of my frag tank. His goby misses him. Speedy little devil.

    1. Sherita


      Ok, I give up. Where did he go NOW?!

  3. Yeah baby! Ordered my wp40 for the 140g today! And I've got another of the wp25's coming in for my other shallow acrylic tank. These things rock. No more noisy Vortechs for me.
  4. Revving up for the 140g reboot. Bubble algae didn't hold up so well to being in the air. Get OUT.

    1. victoly



    2. Sherita


      LOL. Bubble algae is EVIL.

  5. The flow pattern seems to be very broad and quite chaotic. My shallow acrylic tank is 24" wide, and it's pushing water up both sides of the tank (wp25 is mounted at the far end of the 5' tank). I had to turn it down, it was splashing water over the eurobracing and onto the wall.
  6. I just got my Jebao WP-25 today, and have it in my 5' shallow acrylic tank to test it out. What I can tell you so far: these things are *powerful*, and move far more water than an MP10 (which I also have). It's super quiet compared to the MP10, with no buzzing, whining, roaring, etc. I have it set on the lowest power, and even at that I had to move it about and change the location and position in the tank to keep it from splashing water out of the tank, and blowing my zoas all around (zoas weren't amused by this). The flow is chaotic and random, and immediately began pulling detritus into suspension in the water column (detritus that the MP10 did NOT get into suspension). Setup was simple, the directions are not difficult to follow. I paid $80 shipped for the wp25, it came from Phoenix, AZ, and arrived in four days. I've heard complaints that the bracket was flimsy, but it appears no more or less robust than brackets found with comparable powerheads from Tunze. The power cords are more than adequate in lenghth, allowing you to place the controller where you want. The magnet mount for the powerhead is strong and holds the powerhead in place very well. For the price, it can't be beat. Yes, there is a cord going into the tank, but since I keep rare/expensive wrasses in all of my tanks, they all have canopies with screens of some sort or another. The cord in the tank doesn't bother me as much as paying a big chunk of money for an MP10 bothers me. I'm pretty well sold on the wp25. I will be buying at least two more, and two of the wp40 as well (for my 140 and my 90 column). I think my MP10 is going to be looking for a new home very, very soon.
  7. Got my wp-25 today! I do believe I'm going to kick my mp10 to the curb.

    1. Show previous comments  13 more
    2. diabeetus


      so are we going to do another WP group buy soon then? :)

    3. Sherita


      If we do, I am in for sure! If not, ebay here I come!

    4. diabeetus


      well there is possibly 3. im sure there are plenty more people that want them

  8. 30g is restarted, 140g is shut down and drained for repairs. New fish coming in next week! It's all good :)

  9. Any interest in trading for high end zoas and palys?
  10. After fighting a losing battle with bubble algae, I decided to drain the small world tank, let it dry out completely, then fill it with rodi before adding salt. It seems my evil plan has worked, there is no bubble algae in sight anywhere, YAY! I turned it from freshwater to saltwater a couple days ago, added new sand (new, not used), and well cured live rock that is free of bubble algae. I'm not adding livestock yet, but here's what I have holding in my frag tanks waiting till the time is right: Court Jester goby Yasha Hase goby w/shrimp McCloskers flasher wrasse two sexy shrimp tail spot blenny I still need/want to get a yellow banded possum wrasse and a Naoko fairy wrasse, just to complete the tank. There will also be other tiny critters like pom pom crabs, feather dusters, and barnacle blennies added at a later date. Now, lets hear your suggestions for livestock. The only things written in stone for the tank are the yasha hase and his shrimp (covering up my frags!), and the two sexy shrimp (they will look lovely on my shrooms!). The court jester, the tail spot and the McCloskers could stay in my frag tank if I found something I liked better. So, let's hear your suggestions. I'll try to take pictures tomorrow. The tank is in my hallway, so a fts is almost impossible.
  11. Dustin, you sure can. Trading does take place, but lots of folks just come to buy some pretties for their tank.
  12. Hey guys, for all of ya asking about certain zoas (or PM'ing), I'll be down for the swap in October, and I'll have a tank full of lovely zoas and palys that will be looking for new homes.
  13. Might want to back off on the caffeine there ct67stang. Just sayin...... Looks like the forum got a little excited about your post.
  14. paypal dispute? Too late. It's not a huge amount of money, but still. Dude should man up and either return funds, or gimme my polyps! S'ok, In the end it will hurt him more than me. Jerkface just might find his name out there for everyone to see. I've always trusted my fellow reefers, and this is the first time I've ever been burned. My reputation is intact, but his might not be if something doesn't give. Persistence is one of my more charming traits
  15. If you can tell me how to make my iphone take a video that isn't windex blue then I will happily take one for you. Otherwise all you will see is deep blue (I tried to video today, iphone does NOT like leds).
  16. Ok. It's official. I'm a polyp hoarder. Seriously. This is a list of the zoas and palys that currently reside here. This list does not include the 20+ colonies (yes, colonies) that are either unnamed or I've forgotten the names of. Good grief. Alien Eyes Armor of God BamBams BHBEB Blowpops Blue Agave PE Blue Organism Bright Eyes Candy Apple Green Candy Apple Orange Candy Apple Red Captain America Cats Eyes Cornflowers Cotton Candy paly Daisy Duke Dark Phoenix PE Darth Maul Demon Eaters Devils Armor Ding Dang PE Dinosaur Eggs Dragon God PE Ebony Inferno Emerald PE Everlasting Gobstopper Fairy Dust Flame PE Fruit Loops God Of War Gold Charms Gravedigger Green Bay Packers Green Eggs N Ham Green Fairy Happy PE Indo PE Japanese Deepwater zoa Jokers Kedd Redd King Midas Gold Lilac PE Little Boy Blue Lunar Eclipse Magician Mandarin Orange Maryjanes MCC Cat Eyes Mindblowing Paly Naked Agave PE Nuclear Green Orange Xplosion Oxides P. Grandis Cinnamon P. Grandis Mojito P. Grandis Nuclear Green Peach Pops Peter Pans Pink Hippo Pulsar PE Purple Death Purple Hooters Purple Hornet Purple PE PZ Florida Oranges PZ Redneck Zombies PZ Safecrackers PZ Smashing Pumpkins PZ Yellow Teachers Rainbow Road Rasta Raver Red Devil PE Red Hornet Reverse Space Monsters Rosey Boas Salted Agave PE SC Cherry Bomb SC Gatorade SC Orange Rainbow Scarface Seduction PE Skyline PE Soprano Space Monsters Sparkling Cider PE Strange Magic Strawberry Fields Sunny D Tar Pit PE Time Machine Toxic Lava PE True Red PE Utter Chaos Whammin Watermelon White PE WWC Laser Lemon WWC Phantom Yellow Rhino Yuck Mouth And I'm still looking for Electric Oompa Loompa. Can anyone help feed my addiction?
  17. Just like the title says. Looking for a few polyps for my collection. I thought I had them, but wound up getting shafted on the deal. Dude has my money, and my polyps. Jerk. He's not an ARC member, otherwise I would start naming names
  18. Just got back from making the hardest drive any pet owner has to make. RIP sweet girl, see you on the other side.

    1. Show previous comments  10 more
    2. (Bio)³


      I think C.S Lewis said it best. "The pain i have now is the happiness I felt before. That is the deal" Cherish the memories you have of your loved one.

    3. mFrame


      Sorry for your loss Sherita

    4. Niko's Reef

      Niko's Reef

      Sorry 4 your loss. I cried like a baby when my dog died. She was the only thing I had at the time. She waited till I got home to see me 1 last time.

  19. Pulled the fish and coral out of the hall tank today and drained it. Let's see if bubble algae can survive in air, since nothing else seems to kill it :P

    1. dshel1217


      Im in the same battle as you. I have taken some of my rock and cleaned all of it I could find.

  20. vermitid snail. Superglue his hole shut. He will aggravate your zoas.
  21. Pick me, pick me, I'll take them. Beautiful... Just remember the October frag swap is just aroun the corner...are hick we can do a buy now and pick up at Theresa now.....that'll work I am going to make every effort to be at the swap. I've got a tank full of lovely frags already cut and ready to move to their new homes. Actually, the pictures in the first post are representative of stuff in my frag tank. And I've got a ton more that I didn't photograph. Nuts I'm telling ya!
  22. That right there is funny! Thanks, I really needed the pick me up this morning
  23. the bottom right on the last pic are SWEET!! What are they?Sent from my MB855 using Tapatalk 2 Utter Chaos
  24. Actually, I'm going to try to make it to the swap this fall. If I do, I will have a ton of zoa sweetness to share with everyone.
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