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Everything posted by Sherita

  1. 650 calories burned at the gym tonite. I'm down over 25 pounds from when I started. And that includes a two week hiatus for some kind of upper respiratory plague that tried to kill me. I've got a long way to go, but I'm on my way.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Sherita


      Thanks guys! My goal weight is 145. Lets just say I have a ways to go, LOL. But that's ok. I didn't get this fat in a month, I ain't gonna lose it in a month.

    3. JamesL
    4. Richard L

      Richard L

      Please wear a name tag at our next get together since I probably won't recognize you!

  2. Local clowns wanted to charge me $200 to put a new keyboard in my laptop. Nope. I bought a new keyboard for $20 an put the thing in myself. I'll keep my $180, thankyouverymuch. Jerks.

    1. Show previous comments  11 more
    2. brian.srock


      sifuentes you would LOL. haha We should make it the next reef meeting. I'm down to at least beat Planeden :)

    3. Planeden


      oh yeah? remember i can kink a hose with a dislocated shoulder. hmmm, that sounded more intimidating in my head :).

    4. Sherita


      We really should have a bake/cook off as a club meeting. Everyone could fix their best/favorite dish, and then we could all eat it after the judging!

  3. Ty, pp sent. His family is in my thoughts. Please pass on my condolences, Tim was a wonderful guy and will be missed.
  4. I'm in for a donation. I'll need to PayPal, obviously. Just lmk.
  5. Deeply saddened to hear of his passing. He was a great guy.
  6. Went to Richardson for the NTRF swap yesterday. You guys missed out. Major eye candy in the house there! Well run and well attended. I couldn't stop drooling over some of the corals there. I told them all about C4, so maybe we will see some of that sexy eye candy down in Austin land soon.

  7. Oh goody! I just picked up some blue ochtodes macro, and a couple others I have never seen. They will be pretty in my display fuge!

  8. YAY!! I won the photo contest over at DFWMAS. Been trying to win that thing for a couple of years now. Yipee!!

    1. Show previous comments  10 more
    2. Planeden


      did you get your face mask yet? (ducking lick a snake in the sherita's dog run)

    3. KKAAY


      Ok.great...ill be waiting..:)

    4. JamesL
  9. Is anyone else screwed up by this time change, or is it just me?

    1. Mo'sMyName


      I don't remember driving to work this morning and I'm wearing mismatched socks.

    2. Jimbo662


      I usually take this week off to get adjusted...I forgot to ask and hating life right now!!!

  10. Ok, I had to quit fragging. I ran out of glue, and plugs. And room. Good grief.

  11. Got the base rocks laid out and mortared for the 210g. Also got them attached to plexiglass bases to make them easier to handle. Today I'll work on the second tier of rocks, do some fragging. And laundry. Gotta do laundry.

  12. Bleh. Crummy weather. I'm working on the rockscape for the 210g.

    1. Robb in Austin

      Robb in Austin

      You aint lying! Seattle can come get their weather any ole time now.

  13. Ugh. I hate having cement under my fingernails.

    1. Robb in Austin

      Robb in Austin

      Paly toxin in eye or cement under nails? Your choice.

    2. Sherita


      Seems I have both, LOL.

  14. I found a benefit to being sick! I can't smell my skimmers while I'm cleaning them.

  15. Ok, now my back is huring. I'm thinking I haven't been downing enough fluids. This isn't funny anymore.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Sherita


      The only thing I have local is an NP, and she's awful. I'm going to up the fluids. Joint pain, back pain right below my ribcage and low grade headache point to dehydration. yay.

    3. Robb in Austin
    4. Sherita


      Sorry, not going to the ER. Not an emergency. Just a stinking virus that won't gtfo. I actually feel better this evening. Hoping this is the end of it.

  16. I was wrong. Back to bed I go. This stuff just will not go away.

  17. Well, I think I'm finally on the mend. Hungry this morning, and actually managed to get dressed without fizzling out.

  18. Thanks! I was like "whaddya mean I can't buy that?!" I wanna go!!! It was one of those moments in comedy.
  19. I go to this page http://www.austinreefclub.com/topic/29589-big-news-capital-city-coral-corral-2014-is-a-go/ scroll down to where it says: Tickets are available to Premium Members in the ARC store here click on the "here" which is supposed to be a link to the ARC store, but instead of the store the page says: Sorry, you don't have permission for that! You are not allowed to purchase that item
  20. Hey guys, I've got another new and aggravating problem. I tried to go to the ARC store to buy my C4 ticket, it says "you are not allowed to purchase that". What gives, cause I know that ain't right, LOL. That shows up when I go to the C4 page in news and updates, then try to click on the link to go to the ARC store. A little help, please?
  21. Still sick as can be. Nothing seems to be helping. I've been up five hours in the last 48. Can't decide if I'm hot or cold. But do know that I feel awful.

    1. Clark


      Do a water change?

  22. Ugh, I have some kind of crud. I feel awful. whine, whine, whine. I'm going back to bed, which is where I've been most of the day.

    1. Robb in Austin

      Robb in Austin

      As the resident Medical Professional: fluids, rest, meds appropriate to the condition at hand. And chicken soup.

    2. Sherita


      Doing all of the above. Hope I feel better tomorrow, cause I feel like crap tonite.

  23. Well, I signed up for boxing lessons. This should be..........interesting.

    1. esacjack


      you little wrasse kicker! :)

    2. Sherita


      He who knows me best said "oh crap". I'm also thinking about kickboxing, and just for giggles, MMA. Yes, I am that stupid.

  24. I do NOT need to chat with someone online about ordering the radiator for my van. I KNOW what I need, and I'm capable of looking it up without someone holding my hand. And stop trying to upsell.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Sherita


      No guts, no glory :) I've got a fairly twisted sense of humor, it's not likely you would have offended me, LOL.

    3. Planeden


      I will not that for the future. The comedic timing is off now. So, next time you set me up with slow pitch over the plate I'll take a hefty swing at it. :).

    4. Sherita
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